37. DOE BES CPIMS 3rd renewal, “Controlling aqueous-interfacial phenomena of redox-active ions with external electric fields” (PI, 9/2024 – 7/2027)
36. NSF-CHE CDSMA-A, “Collaborative Research: Soft Interfaces and Charge Separation Stabilization” (PI, 9/2021-9/2025), collaborator – David Limmer, UC Berkeley
35. Herbert W. Hoover Foundation, Ohio, Nanoplastic-induced molecular-level structural changes at lung alveolar surfaces (PI, 2024-2025)
34. Herbert W. Hoover Foundation, Ohio, Microplastics and Climate Change (PI, 2022-2024)
33. DOE BES Separation Science, “Non-Equilibrium Nucleation of Rare Earth Metals at Aqueous Interfaces ” (PI, 9/2021-8/2023)
32. DOE BES CPIMS (and GEO) 2nd renewal, “Controlling aqueous-interfacial phenomena of redox-active ions with external electric fields” (PI, 9/2021 – 8/2024)
31. NASA Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology “Deconvoluting the Components of Enceladus’ Icy Plume through Convolutional Neural Networks ” (Graduate student Nicole North 3 Year grant; 9/2021-8/2024)
30. NSF CAICE Phase IIb: Center for Aerosol Impact on Chemistry and the Environment, PI Kim Prather (UCSD Chemistry), coPI Vicki Grassian (Univ Iowa Chemistry), + many others ($20M over another 5 years for the entire center) (9/2018-9/2023)
29. DOE BES CPIMS and GEO renewal, “Controlling aqueous-interfacial phenomena of redox-active ions with external electric fields” (PI, 9/2018 – 8/2021)
28. DOE BES CPIMS (Condensed phase interfacial molecular science), “Controlling aqueous-interfacial phenomena of redox-active ions with external electric fields” (PI, 9/2016-8/2018)
27. NSF INFEWS Collaborative project with Amar Flood at Univ of Indiana, “Understanding structure and organization of receptors at water interfaces for discover of phosphate recognition design principles” (CoPI/subaward, 9/2016-8/2020)
26.NSF CAICE Phase II: Center for Aerosol Impact on Climate and the Environment, PI Kim Prather (UCSD Chemistry), coPI Vicki Grassian (Univ Iowa Chemistry), + many others ($20M over 5 years for the entire center) (9/2013-8/2018)
25. NIH, R21, Cancer Margin Detection using Infrared Spectroscopy and Surface Plasmonics, CoPIs James Coe (OSU Chemistry) and Charles Hitchcock (OSU Pathology), (PI, 4/2012-4/2014)
24. DOE-BES GEO: Geochemistry of Interfaces: From Surfaces to Interlayers to Clusters, in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratory, NM and Univ of Texas, Austin PI, 11/2012-11/2015
23. NSF-Chemistry Grant (environmental div.) – Water organization at environmental interfaces by phase-sensitive sum frequency; 7/2011-7/2014)
22. DOE-BES – Geosciences grant – Oxide/water interfaces and ions…renewed grant; Collaborators: Louise Criscenti, Sandia Nat’l Lab, NM and Lynn Katz, Univ. Texas @ Austin, Civil Eng (PI, 11/2009-11/2012)
21. OSD, Army Aviation Directorate- Polymer degradation on metals, CoPI with Gerald Frankel, Materials Science & Engineering Dept., Fontana Corrosion Center (2009-2012)
20. NSF-Chemistry Grant (analytical and surface science div.) – Lipid head group solvation and water structure; PI, 3/2008-3/2011)
19. CWC (Climate, Water, and Carbon) SEED Grant – Long path spectroscopy for atmospheric measurements of trace gases and aerosols; GRA funding (Beekman, Calder, Herbei, Allen; 2007/2008)
18. OSD, Mandaree Enterprise Corp.- funding/Grant – Atmospheric corrosion processes, CoPI with Gerald Frankel, Materials Science & Engineering Dept., Fontana Corrosion Center (2008-2011)
17. NSF – SGER (small grant for exploratory research) – A Difference Frequency Microscope (PI, 2007-2008)
16. NSF Instrumentation Funding – Cyber- enabled IR/Raman microscopes (Dutta, Coe, Allen, Ozkan,Badjic; 2007)
15. Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award (2007)
14. Camille Dreyfus Teacher Scholar Award and funding – (2006-2008)
13. ACS PROGRESS/Dreyfus Lectureship Award Nominations (2005/2006 & 2006/2007)
12. An Empowered Woman Award awarded by Columbus Public Schools’ Young Women’s Empowerment Conference (2006)
11. Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, award and funding (2005-2007)
10. DOE-BES – Geosciences grant – Oxide/water interfaces and ions… (Collaborators: Louise Criscenti, Sandia Nat’l Lab, NM and Lynn Katz, Univ. Texas @ Austin, Civil Eng; 11/2003-11/2006 and 11/2006-11/2009)
9. NSF-GEO Atmospheric Sciences grant – Alkyl halides, acids and water (2004-2007)
8. ACS PRF type-G grant – CO2 clathrate formation (2003 – 2006)
7. Beckman Young Investigator Award and funding – Lung lining structure… (2003-2006)
6. NSF-CHE CAREER Award and grant – Sulfuric acid, ammonium sulfate, bisulfate, and water, and atmospheric aerosol processing(2002-2007)
5. Dreyfus Environmental Postdoctoral Fellowship grant – Atmospheric reaction at aqueous surfaces, ozone and hydroxyl (2005-2007)
4. NSF-CHE Environmental Molecular Science Institute grant – Aromatics at liquid surfaces (2000-2006)
3. Research Innovation Award and grant, Research Corp. – Acid and water structure at aqueous surfaces (2002-2004)
2. Ohio State OMA (Office of Minority Affairs) Professional Mentor Award (2000-2001)
1. Ohio State SEED grant (2000-2002)