Category Archives: Uncategorized

Kim Carter-Fenk starts her postdoctoral position in the Fayer Lab at Stanford

Summer 2021: Abbie Enders accepts internship with Los Alamos National Lab; Mickey Rogers accepts internship at PARC

Kim’s Chemical Science Article Accepted and rated HOT Article May 5, 2021

Nicole Auvil Chooses Carnegie Mellon for Grad School

Mickey receives the OSU Outstanding Graduate/Professional Student Leadership Award (March 3, 2021)

Dr. Allen interviewed by “Voices of Excellence” – August 2020

Heather Allen and researching the underpinnings of science
Heather AllenHeather Allen, Dow Professor and Ohio State Distinguished Scholar in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, researches molecular organization, ion pairing and hydration at aqueous interfaces. She describes her work as asking how basic units of life “respond to an electric field or slight changes in pH and environment.” Listen in to her discussion with host David Staley on this week’s “Voices of Excellence” on Soundcloud and iTunes.

Mickey Rogers wins the 2020 AGU Dr. Edmond M. Dewan Young Scientist Scholarship. Congrats Mickey!

Dr. Allen interviewed by Science Off Camera, Episode 9 June 2020

May 2020: Michelle Fiamingo is awarded OSU’s ACS Undergraduate Award in Environmental Chemistry

Brittany is accepted to the University of Toledo Medical School!