Group Pictures

June 2024: Colin Bang, Dr. Biswajit Biswas, Tai Bowling Charles, Gwen Gattermeir, Dr. Heather C. Allen,Kezia Duah, Shamma Proma, Dr. Mouad Arrad, Dr. Narendra Adhikari


August 2023 Biswajit, Kezia, Jess, Nicole, Shamma, Dr. Allen, Tai, Gwen


May 2023: Effie, Gwen, Kezia, Shamma, Dr. Allen, Jess, Abbie, Nicole, Biswajit

August 2, 2021 top row: Dr. Allen, Dr. Kamal Ray, Dr. Biswajit Biswas, Nicole North. bottom row: Ka Chon Ng, Abbie Enders, Jessica Simpson, Maria Vazquez de Vasquez, Tehseen Adel, Meredith Varmecky

Aug 2020

Nicole and Dr. Allen arrived in Saudi Arabia for AI conference, March2023
Abbie, Nicole, and Jess at the Manatee Sanctuary, FL Jan2023
Florida- sampling water for research, Jan 2023
Nicole, Kezia, Abbie – Christmas Party 2022
Biswajit – Christmas party
Xmas 2022 gift exchange bowling
Christmas Bowling Party 2022 Gift Exchange
Group Picture Plus... 2021
2021 gathering: Group Plus…
ACS 2019 in San Diego, CA (right to left) Maria, Mickey, Jen, Tehseen
ACS 2019 in San Diego, CA (left to right) Maria, Mickey, Jen, Tehseen
ACS 2019 in San Diego, CA at Birch Aquarium at Scripts (left to right) Dr. Allen, Tehseen, Mickey, Kim, Jen
ACS 2019 San Diego

Gordon Research Conference, Holderness, NH ~2019? Hiking: Tehseen, Dr. Allen, and Jen

3.18.19 Stephen’s going away dinner at Portia’s Cafe – Vegan fair

left to right: Kim, Abdullah, Jen, Maria, Tehseen, KaChon, Quent, Cat, Dr. Allen, Nicole, Stephen, and Mickey

5.3.19 Kim’s Wedding (but where is Kim!) at the Grainger Audubon Center in Columbus


2.25.19 Cooking and science go together according to Cat. We agree:

2018 – Ohio Wildlife Center donation

Pablo’s farewell, Aug 2018:

Summer Volleyball 2018, Allen Group:

Aug 2018 group picture: 

Ting makes it into the Columbus Dispatch Newspaper on Graduation day, Spring of 2018!

Ting and Bethany Graduate – Commencement on May 6th, 2018.

Brittany presenting her poster at the Denman Research Forum, April 2018

Mia presenting her poster at the Denman Research Forum, April 2018

Morgan presenting her poster at the Denman Research Forum, April 2018

November 2017: Allen Holiday Potluck & Ting carving “his” boneless turkey

May 2017: In the Lab (Curtis, Evan, Dr. Allen, Tehseen)

Andrew presenting his poster at the Denman Research Forum, March 2017

Evan presenting his poster at the Denman Research Forum, March 2017

Ellen and Dr. Allen after the PhD graduation ceremony, December 2016

Allen Holiday Group Picture, 2016

Andrew presenting his poster at the Denman Research Forum, March 2016

Evan presenting his poster at the Spring Expo, March 2016

Ellen at the poster session during the ACS meeting in San Diego, March 2016

Ting at the poster session during the ACS meeting in San Diego, March 2016

Bethany at the poster session during the ACS meeting in San Diego, March 2016

Curtis at the poster session during the ACS meeting in San Diego, March 2016

Ran and Dr. Allen after the PhD graduation ceremony, December 2015

2015 Denman Research Undergraduate_Victoria
Victoria presenting her research poster at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, March 2015

Dana and Dr. Allen after the PhD graduation ceremony, December 2014

Dana_NOBCChE Conf_NewOrleans_Sept2014
Dana posing with Dr. Cato Thomas Laurencin (2014 Percy Julian Award Winner; left) and Dr. Bobby L. Wilson (Chairman, of the NOBCChE Executive Board; right) at the 41st Annual NOBCChE Conference in New Orleans (LO), September 2014

Clayton presenting his research poster at the SciX Conference 2014 in Reno (NV), September 2014

Allen Group Picture, September 2014

Fabian Boehm_Summer2014
Fabian Böhm, Visiting graduate student from Bochum Universität (Bochum, Germany), Summer 2014
(Nothing better than a cold Bud after a hard day’s work!)

Allen Group Picture, 2013

Wei’s Graduation; Dr. Cheng Y. Tang, his daughter Isabelle, and Dr. Allen, December 2013

Ellen Adams at CAICE Meeting, San Diego (CA), 2013

Dana_NOBCChE Conf_Indianapolis_Sept2013
Dana attending and presenting her research at the 40th Annual NOBCChE Conference in Indianapolis (IN), September 2013

Allen Group Picture, Winter 2012

Heather and Xiping, Dr. Pitzer Bike Tour, July 2012

2011 Winter Group Picture

2011 Spring Group Picture

2010/11 Group Picture

Dr. Allen @ University of Copenhagen, with the 1922 Nobel Laureate Niels Bohr (on the way to give a talk in Germany (Kiel, 4 hours away by car)); Sept 2010

Future Ocean Conference, University of Kiel, Germany Sept 2010

Xiangke’s Graduation 2010

Cheng’s Graduation (with Isabelle) 2010

Group Picnic September 2009 (organized by Christine)

Man’s Graduation 2008

2005 Group Picture

Gang, hard at work 2003

Sandhya at the GRC in Montana 2003

Graduate students wearing their safety glasses!

Prof. Allen and Lisa Van Loon 2003

Mohamad at a poster session

Mohamad playing NCAA Football 2007 in the final round – from the Lantern

2003 Group Picture

Unofficial member (Boo) courtesy of Lisa Hommel