Dr. Baker appears on Voices of Excellence Podcast
August 21, 2024
Dr. Baker appears on the 200th episode of Voices of Excellence, a podcast produced by the Ohio State College of Arts and Sciences. In the episode, Dr. Baker give host David Staley a tour of the NeXUS lab and discusses the facility's capabilities and scientific impact. Listen to the episode here!
Sam Zhu and Dr. Baker Recognized for Nature Catalysis Paper
July 19, 2024
Quansong (Sam) Zhu and Dr. Baker were recently recognized by Ohio State for their recent publication in Nature Catalysis, in which they demonstrated a new method for the conversion of carbon dioxide into methanol. Check out the news article here https://news.osu.edu/chemists-design-novel-method-for-generating-sustainable-fuel/
Nice work, Sam and Robert!
Congratulations to Emily B on completing her REU presentation!
July 21, 2022
Emily B presented on her summer work with Sam Z and Emily H, titled "Charge transfer induced spin transition in Co3Fe2", in a poster and oral session with the other Center for Emergent Materials REU students. The Baker group will miss you!
Congratulations to Emily, Jakub, Savini, and Dr. Baker for an accepted manuscript!
June 24, 2022
Their paper, “Visible Light Absorption and Hot Carrier Trapping in Anatase TiO2: The Role of Surface Oxygen Vacancies” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Jaclyn, Sam, and Dr. Baker for an accepted manuscript!
June 16, 2022
Their paper, “Comparing interfacial cation hydration at catalytic active sites and spectator sites on gold electrodes: understanding structure sensitive CO2 reduction kinetics” has been accepted for publication in Chemical Science. Congratulations!
Dr. Baker is awarded Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to Hungary
April 6, 2022
Congratulations, Dr. Baker! He was awarded the 2022-2023 Fulbright John Von Neumann Distinguished Award in STEM to travel to Hungary to "advance the study of ultrafast, high intensity laser science and foster collaboration between international research communities". From February-May 2023, Baker will work closely with scientists at the Extreme Light Infrastructure Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS) to develop new techniques to study electron dynamics in solar energy conversion materials. More information can be found here.
Sam and Dr. Baker's recent JACS Perspective is featured in JACS Spotlights
March 31, 2022
Sam and Dr. Baker's work with Dr. Catherine Murphy (DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c11500) is highlighted as the future for surface ligands in the electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Somnath and Dr. Baker for an accepted manuscript!
March 3, 2022
Their perspective article, “Extreme Ultraviolet Reflection–Absorption Spectroscopy: Probing Dynamics at Surfaces from a Molecular Perspective” has been accepted for publication in Accounts of Chemical Research. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Sam and Dr. Baker for an accepted manuscript!
February 9, 2022
Their perspective article, “Opportunities for Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction Enabled by Surface Ligands” has been accepted for publication in JACS. This work was done through collaboration with Dr. Catherine Murphy at UIUC. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Stephen and Somnath for an accepted manuscript!
February 2, 2022
Their paper, “Ultrafast Optical Spin Switching in Ferrimagnetic Nickel Ferrite (NiFe2O4) Studied by XUV Reflection–Absorption Spectroscopy” has been accepted for publication in JPCC. This work was done through collaboration with Dr. Roland Kawakami at OSU. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Sam, Spencer, Ganghua, and Jaclyn for an accepted manuscript!
January 28, 2022
Their paper, “The Solvation-Induced Onsager Reaction Field Rather than the Double-Layer Field Controls CO2 Reduction on Gold” has been accepted for publication in JACS Au. Congratulations!
Allen joins the Baker group!
December 7, 2021
Welcome, Allen!
Stephen successfully defends his PhD thesis!
November 3, 2021
Congratulations, Dr. Londo!
Quansong, Emily, and Dr. Baker present at the ACS fall 2021 national meeting
August 22-26, 2021
Quansong and Emily traveled to Atlanta to present in the "Vibrational Spectroscopy for Probing Surfaces in Complex Chemical Environments" and "Advances in Nonlinear Optics at Interfaces" symposia, respectively. Dr. Baker presented a talk, titled "Probing Interfacial Water Structure and Electric Fields During CO2 Reduction Using Plasmon-Enhanced Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy".
Amy successfully defends her PhD thesis!
August 11, 2021
Amy presented her work, titled "Studies of Carbon Dioxide Reduction on Cu/Au ultrasmall nanoparticles". Congratulations, Dr. Shang!
Congratulations to Amy and Spencer for an accepted manuscript!
June 10, 2021
Their paper, “Ensemble effects in Cu/Au ultrasmall nanoparticles control the branching point for C1 selectivity during CO2 electroreduction” has been accepted for publication in Chemical Science. This work was done through collaboration with Dr. Catherine J. Murphy at UIUC and Dr. Aravind Asthagiri at OSU. Congratulations!
Sam passes his candidacy exam
May 7, 2021
Congratulations, Sam!
Congratulations to Yutichai, Meiling, and Dr. Baker for an accepted manuscript!
May 4, 2021
Their paper, “Deactivation-Free Ethanol Steam Reforming at Nickel-Tipped Carbon Filaments” has been accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Congratulations!
Spencer successfully defends his PhD thesis!
April 7, 2021
Spencer presented his work, titled "Studies of Electrified Interfaces using Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation". Congratulations, Dr. Wallentine!
Supporting Our Colleagues
March 30, 2021
We express our deep sadness in the wake of the senseless acts of violence resulting in many tragic deaths. Six of the eight people whose lives were lost in Atlanta were of Asian descent. These shootings and the resulting loss of lives are shocking and heartbreaking. We stand in solidarity with the Asian and Asian American members of our community and all those affected by these acts of violence. We also express our unwavering support for all of our colleagues, and reiterate our zero tolerance for divisive language, violent actions, and other discriminatory behaviors against any of our members.
Dr. Baker is awarded the 2021 Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award
January 20, 2021
Spectroscopy magazine has chosen Dr. Baker for the 2021 award, which "recognizes the achievements and aspirations of a talented young atomic spectroscopist, selected by an independent scientific committee". More information can be found at the announcement here. Congratulations, Dr. Baker!
Jaclyn and Sam J join the Baker group!
December 8, 2020
Welcome to the group!
Congratulations to Amy, Spencer, and Sam for an accepted manuscript!
October 26, 2020
Their paper, “Effect of Surface Ligands on Gold Nanocatalysts for CO2 Reduction” has been accepted for publication in Chemical Science. Congratulations!
Ganghua Deng joins the group as a postdoc
October 1, 2020
Genghua is joining the Baker group after getting his PhD at University of Science and Technology of China and doing a postdoc at Utah State University with Dr. Yi Rao. Welcome, Ganghua!
Congratulations to Savini, Emily, Stephen, and Somnath for an accepted manuscript!
September 15, 2020
Their paper, “Small Polarons and Surface Defects in Metal Oxide Photocatalysts Studied Using XUV Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy” has been accepted for publication in JPCC as a feature article. It is also featured as the Cover Article - the second cover for the Baker group this month! Congratulations!
Congratulations to Spencer, Savini, and Somnath for an accepted manuscript!
September 14, 2020
Their paper, “Direct Observation of Carbon Dioxide Electroreduction on Gold: Site Blocking by the Stern Layer Controls CO2 Adsorption Kinetics” has been accepted for publication in JPCL. Congrats on an excellent paper!
Congratulations to Spencer, Savini, and Somnath for an accepted manuscript!
August 27, 2020
Their paper, “Plasmon-Resonant Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation of Electrochemical Interfaces: Direct Observation of Carbon Dioxide Electroreduction on Gold” has been accepted for publication in JPCA and will also be featured as the Cover Article. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Dr. Baker for another published article!
August 3, 2020
In collaboration with Ulrike Diebold, Jeong Young Park, and Annabella Selloni, the paper, “Oxide chemistry and catalysis” has been published in JCP. Congratulations!
Confronting Racism
June 9, 2020
We are deeply saddened by the senseless loss of life, particularly those of black Americans. We are also aware of the ways our profession has fallen short in ensuring equal opportunities and want to be part of the solution. Accordingly, our group will support the call to refrain from business as usual (#ShutDownSTEM) on Wednesday, June 10. We invite others to join us in taking this opportunity to become educated regarding the problem of racism and how we can help change this and contribute to healing.
Somnath starts his new post-doc at Princeton!
June 1, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Somnath Biswas for starting a new position Princeton with Dr. Scholes!
Emily passes her candidacy exam
May 12, 2020
Congratulations, Emily!
Congratulations to Stephen and Somnath for an accepted manuscript!
May 5, 2020
In collaboration with the Kawakami group, their paper, “Ultrafast Spin Crossover in a Room-Temperature Ferrimagnet: Element-Specific Spin Dynamics in Photoexcited Cobalt Ferrite” has been accepted for publication in JPCC. Congratulations!
Dr. Baker receives 2020 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award!
April 27, 2020
Dr. Baker was selected as one of the 14 recipients for the 2020 award, which honors faculty within the first five years of their academic careers showing a commitment to education and independent research. Read more about the award and other recipients here.
Somnath successfully defends his PhD thesis!
March 30, 2020
Somnath presented his work, titled "Watching Electrons Move in Metal Oxide Catalysts: Probing Ultrafast Electron Dynamics by Femtosecond Extreme Ultraviolet Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy". Congratulations, Dr. Biswas!
Dr. Baker receives The Journal of Physical Chemistry and PHYS Division Lectureship Award!
March 26, 2020
Dr. Baker was selected as the JPC C recipient for the 2020 award, which honors individuals who have made major impacts in each field. Read more about his achievement with an interview here.
Ananya, Harshad, and Sam join the Baker group!
January 1, 2020
Welcome to the group!
Elizabeth successfully defends her PhD thesis!
December 16, 2019
Elizabeth presented her work, titled "Understanding the Role of Lattice Defects and Metal Composition Ratio on the Photochemistry of CuFeO2 toward Solar Energy Conversion". Congratulations, Dr. Fugate!
Yutichai successfully defends his PhD thesis!
December 5, 2019
Yutichai presented his work, titled "Mechanistic Studies of Crotonaldehyde Partial Hydrogenation and Ethanol Steam Reforming Reactions on Planar Catalysts--A Gas-Phase and Ambient Pressure XPS Study". Congratulations, Dr. Mueanngern!
Baker group participates in OSU Breakfast of Science Champions
November 6 , 2019
Columbus area middle school students traveled to OSU for the annual Breakfast of Science Champions event. The students were able to experience what it was like to be a scientist in the chemistry department. They traveled to different stations around the department to see cool demos and do hands-on experiments! The Baker group showed the students examples of solubility, molecular interactions, and lasers. The students loved seeing science happen (and taking home some cool lava lamps)!
NSF Establishes National EXtreme Ultrafast Science (NEXUS) Facility at Ohio State Led by Dr. Baker
October , 2019
The NSF Division of Chemistry through the Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 program awards $9.5M to a team at The Ohio State University led by Robert Baker to establish NSF NEXUS. This facility will be a beyond-the-state-of-the-art national XUV light source to serve the scientific and engineering communities as an open-access user facility. This light source will be coupled to a versatile array of experimental capabilities, designed to facilitate transformative progress in areas of national priority with emphasis on energy conversion and quantum information science.
At the heart of this facility is a new laser technology for producing extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray photon energies at repetition rates of hundreds of kilohertz with average power exceeding one kilowatt. The combination of attosecond time resolution, high energies, and high repetition rates enables measurements that currently cannot be made with existing technology.
Read OSU's announcement here and the NSF abstract here.
Somnath receives the FIA Award for Excellence in Academic Achievement!
August 24, 2019
The Federation of Indian Associations selected Somnath to receive the 2019 award due to his high academic achievement while at OSU. The FIA is a group that celebrates the achievements, contributions, and diversity that Asian Indians living in Ohio facilitate. Somnath was chosen for this award from the entire FIA -- over 10,000 people. Congratulations, Somnath!
Dr. Baker is awarded the 2019 Young Innovator Award in NanoEnergy!
August 7, 2019
The NanoResearch editorial board conducted a highly competitive process to select young researchers in fields related to nanoscience for this award. Congratulations to Dr. Baker for being selected as one of the 44 outstanding young investigators under 45! Read the announcement here.
Dr. Baker gives an invited talk at the 14th Femtochemistry Conference!
August 3, 2019
Dr. Baker traveled Shanghai, China for a week to participate in the conference (FEMTO 14) and give an invited talk. The meeting was a great scientific as well as cultural experience!
Congratulations to Elizabeth, Somnath, and Mathew for an accepted manuscript!
July 29, 2019
In collaboration with the Asthagiri group, their paper, “The role of phase impurities and lattice defects on the electron dynamics and photochemistry of CuFeO2 solar photocathodes” has been accepted for publication in Nano Research. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Somnath, Spencer, and Savini for an accepted manuscript!
July 25, 2019
Their paper, “Controlling polaron formation at hematite surfaces by molecular functionalization probed by XUV reflection-absorption spectroscopy” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physics. This article was also highlighted as a JCP Featured Article. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Jakub and Somnath for an accepted manuscript!
July 25, 2019
In collaboration with the Allen group, their paper, “Iron(III) Speciation Observed at Aqueous and Glycerol Surfaces: Vibrational Sum Frequency and X-Ray” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations!
Amy passes her candidacy exam
July 19, 2019
Congratulations, Amy!
Somnath is invited to attend the Lindau meeting!
June 25, 2019
Somnath has been invited to attend the meeting and present a poster on his research! The program chose to interview him after reading about his dedication to scholarship. Read the interview here.

Jakub starts his new position at Intel!
June 1, 2019
Congratulations to Dr. Jakub Husek for starting a new position at Intel in Oregon!
Juni joins the group as an REU student
June 1, 2019
Dr. Baker receives a grant from the Air Force
May 28, 2019
We would like to thank the Air Force for providing support within the Baker group.
Emily passes her first year oral exam!
May 22, 2019
Congratulations, Emily!
Congratulations to Somnath for receiving the Presidential Fellowship!
April 26, 2019
This fellowship is the highest award given by the Graduate School for outstanding scholarship. Well done, Somnath!
Read more here.
Jakub successfully defends his PhD thesis!
March 19, 2019
Jakub presented his work, titled "Elucidating Surface Charge Carrier Dynamics of Functional Materials By Femtosecond Transient Extreme Ultraviolet Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy". Congratulations, Dr. Husek!
Stephen and Dr. Baker participated in the Attosecond School
March 11, 2019
Stephen and Dr. Baker traveled to Erice in Sicily, Italy to attend a week-long crash course in attosecond ultrafast x-ray science. Dr. Baker was an invited speaker for this event. Read more about it here.
The DOE Office of Science highlights our PCCP article!
February 6, 2019
We would like to thank the office of Basic Energy Sciences for the highlight of our PCCP article describing charge transfer across a Fe2O3/NiO heterostructure. You can read the highlight here.
Emily joins the Baker group!
January 7, 2019
Welcome, Emily!
Listen to Robert’s interview on Voices of Excellence podcast
November 16, 2018
The College of Arts and Sciences at Ohio State has launched a new podcast highlighting the research of its faculty and staff: Voices of Excellence from the College of Arts and Sciences. From x-ray spectroscopy to the design of nanomaterials for catalysis, Robert describes not just the science that we do, but also some of the joys of being a professor. Listen to Robert talk to David Staley about what it’s like to run a cutting-edge research laboratory.
Mathew participates in Translating Engineering Research to K8 (TEK8) outreach program
November 16, 2018
Translating Engineering Research K-8 (TEK8) is an outreach program developed by the Colleges of Engineering and Education and Human Ecology. The program communicates the broader impacts of federally funded engineering research while increasing urban middle school students’ interest in engineering and preparing practicing teachers and engineering students to introduce middle school students to the engineering design process. An end product of TEK8 are project-based lessons around engineering design challenges created by engineering students and teachers. The design challenges have been tested in an after-school setting and expose students to the essence of engineering: design and problem solving. Mathew’s challenge was to communicate to 3rd and 4th grade students how a catalyst works and how it can be controlled to mediate chemical reactions.
Read more about the outreach program here.
Congratulations to Somnath, Jakub, Stephen, and Elizabeth for an accepted manuscript!
September 5, 2018
Their paper, “Identifying the Acceptor State in NiO Hole Collection Layers: Direct Observation of Exciton Dissociation and Interfacial Hole Transfer Across a Fe2O3/NiO Heterojunction” has been accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. This article has also been selected for the front cover as well as featured in the 2018 PCCP Hot Articles collection. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Somnath, Jakub, and Stephen for an accepted manuscript!
August 9, 2018
Their paper, “Ultrafast Electron Trapping and Defect-Mediated Recombination in NiO Probed by Femtosecond Extreme Ultraviolet Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy” has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Congratulations!
Spencer and Stephen pass their candidacy exams
July 27, 2018
Congratulations, Spencer and Stephen!
Nano Letters Manuscript Highlighted in Advances in Engineering
June 16, 2018
Advances in Engineering published a highlight of Somnath’s Nano Letters manuscript. You can read the highlight here.
Savini passes her first year oral exam
May 25, 2018
Congratulations, Savini!
Congratulations to Jakub, Anthony, and Somnath for an accepted manuscript!
May 9, 2018
Their paper, “Hole Thermalization Dynamics Facilitate Ultrafast Spatial Charge Separation in CuFeO2 Solar Photocathodes” has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Josh, Scott, and Skyler for graduating from Ohio State and moving to graduate school
May 7, 2018
The Baker group is losing three outstanding undergraduate students. Josh Graham, Scott Garner, and Skyler Ware have done outstanding work and earned their Bachelor’s degrees from Ohio State.
Josh is staying at Ohio State to pursue a master’s degree in teaching and learning, Scott will start a PhD program at UC Berkeley, and Skyler will do her PhD at Cal Tech.
We are very proud of you and are excited for your future!
Congratulations to Somnath and Jakub for an accepted manuscript!
April 6, 2018
Their feature article, “Elucidating Ultrafast Electron Dynamics at Surfaces Using Extreme Ultraviolet (XUV) Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy” has been published in Chemical Communications. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Somnath, Jakub, and Stephen for an accepted manuscript!
January 25, 2018
Their paper, “Highly Localized Charge Transfer Excitons in Metal Oxide Semiconductors” has been accepted for publication in Nano Letters.
Savini joins the Baker group!
January 1, 2018
Congratulations to Jakub, Anthony, and Somnath on an accepted manuscript!
October 9, 2017
Their paper, “Surface Electron Dynamics in Hematite (α-Fe2O3): Correlation Between Ultrafast Surface Electron Trapping and Small Polaron Formation” has been accepted for publication in Chemical Science.
Yutichai passes his candidacy
September 14, 2017
Congratulations, Yutichai!
Elizabeth passes her candidacy exam
August 17, 2017
Congratulations, Elizabeth!
Robert receives a grant from the NSF Chemical Catalysis Program
August 15, 2017
We would like to thank the NSF for providing support to study the mechanism of CO2 reduction on metal oxide catalysts using sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy. We look forward to working with the Asthagiri group who will provide theoretical insights on this collaborative project.
First spectroscopy manuscript accepted!
July 27, 2017
Congratulations to Anthony, Jakub, and Somnath on getting the first XUV spectroscopy published. The manuscript “Achieving Surface Sensitivity in Ultrafast XUV Spectroscopy: M2,3-Edge Reflection–Absorption of Transition Metal Oxides” has been published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Yutichai and Xin on their publication!
June 29, 2017
Their paper “Catalysis at Multiple Length Scales: Crotonaldehyde Hydrogenation at Nanoscale and Mesoscale Interfaces in Platinum–Cerium Oxide Catalysts” has been accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Congratulations!
Ohio State receives funding for an Ambient Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
May 30, 2017
Ohio State receives an NSF MRI award for the purchase of an ambient pressure XPS instrument. Robert Baker is the lead PI on this proposal, and co-PIs include Nicholas Brunelli, Anne Co, David Cole, Gerry Frankel, Umit Ozkan, and Yiying Wu. We would also like to thank Prabir Dutta for his much help with the application process. We are excited for the pending arrival of this new, world class instrument to Ohio State campus!
Anthony Cirri starts his postdoc in the Baker group
May 30, 2017
We are excited to have Anthony join us from Penn State!
Somnath passes his candidacy exam
May 8, 2017
Congratulations, Somnath!
Skyler receives 2 research scholarships
April 14, 2017
Congratulations to Skyler for receiving both the College of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Research Scholarship and the Mayers Summer Research Fellowship! These awards will support her research efforts in the Baker group this summer and through the next academic year.
Skyler receives the Outstanding Poster Award
April 10, 2017
Skyler’s poster is recognized as one of the best at the OSU Natural and Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate Research Forum. Nice job, Skyler!
Amy, Stephen, and Spencer join the Baker group
January 1, 2017
Our second manuscript has just been accepted!
November 28, 2016
Congratulations to Xin, Elizabeth, Yutichai on our group’s second accepted manuscript. The paper “Photo-Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Acetate on Iron-Copper Oxide Catalysts” has been accepted to ACS Catalysis. You can read this manuscript under “Papers.”
Yutichai defends his Master’s thesis
June 8, 2016
Congratulations, Yutichai!
Elizabeth defends her Master’s thesis
June 8, 2016
Congratulations, Elizabeth!
Our group’s first accepted manuscript
June 8, 2016
Congratulations to Xin, Yutichai and Quinn on our group’s first accepted manuscript. The paper “Crotonaldehyde Hydrogenation on Platinum–Titanium Oxide and Platinum–Cerium Oxide Catalysts: Selective C=O Bond Hydrogen Requires Platinum Sites Beyond the Oxide–Metal Interface” has been accepted to Catalysis Science & Technology. You can read this manuscript under “Papers.”
Jakub passes his Candidacy exam
May 9, 2016
Congratulations, Jakub!
Baker group participates in Breakfast of Science Champions at OSU
November 12, 2015
On November 4th Columbus middle school students journeyed to OSU for Breakfast of Science Champions. For this event, middle school students got to experience what it was like to be a scientist in the chemistry department. The students traveled to four different stations around the chemistry department with different chemistry demos as well as some hands on activities. The Baker group station consisted of two different activites where students learned about molecular interactions. The students were really excited to be around real scientists!

Robert receives the DOE Early Career Award
June 15, 2015
We would like to thank the Department of Energy for supporting our research through the Early Career Research Program.
Robert receives the AFOSR Young Investigator Award
January 22, 2015
We would like to thank the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for providing our group’s first external funding through the 2015 Young Investigator Research Program.
Baker Group website published
January 12, 2015
The group website is now online
Jakub, Becky, Elizabeth, and Yutichai become the first graduate students in the Baker Group!
January 7, 2015
Jakub Husek, Becky Bradley, Elizabeth Fugate, and Yuitichai Mueanngern officially join the group as the first graduate students.
The catalytic reactor is up and running
January 5, 2015
The reactor is assembled, and we have begun measuring reaction kinetics for crotonaldehyde hydrogenation on platinum
Quinn joins the Baker Group and starts setting up the reactor
November 17, 2014
Quinn Baker joins the group as a research assistant and begins assembling the catalytic reactor
Xin starts his postdoc in the Baker Group
October 14, 2014
Dr. Xin Yang joins the Baker Group as the first postdoc and begins fabrication of nano-patterned catalysts
Robert arrives at OSU
July 15, 2014
Dr. Robert Baker arrives at OSU and begins setting up the new lab