- Yu, R.R., Mahto, S.K., Justus, K., Alexander, M.M., Howard, CJ, and Ottesen, J.J. “Hybrid phase ligation for efficient synthesis of histone proteins” (2016), Org. Biomol. Chem. epub Jan 29, doi: 10.1039/C5OB02195B
(Selected by the journal as a 2016 Hot Article in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry) - Wike, C.L., Graves, H.K., Hawkins, R., Gibson, M.D., Ferdinand, M.B., Zhang, T., Chen, Z., Hudson, D.F., Ottesen, J.J., Poirier, M.G., Schumacher, J., Tyler, J.K. “Aurora-A mediated histone H3 phosphorylation of threonine 118 controls condensin I and cohesin occupancy in mitosis” (2016) eLife, epub Feb 16, doi: 10.7554/eLife.11402.
- Howard, C.J., Yu, R.R., Gardner, M.L., Shimko, J.C., Ottesen, J.J. “Chemical and Biological Tools for the Preparation of Modified Histone Proteins” (2015).Curr. Chem. 363, 193-226. doi: 10.1007/128_2015_629.
- Bernier, M. ,Luo, Y., Nwokelo, K.C., Goodwin, M., Dreher, S.J., Zhang, P., Parthun, M.R., Fondufe-Mittendorf, Y.N., Ottesen, J.J., Poirier, M.G., “Linker histone H1 and H3K56 Acetylation Are Antagonistic Regulators of Nucleosome Dynamics”, (2015) Nat. Comm., doi: 10.1038/NCOMMS10152.
- Brehove, M., Wang, T., North, J., Luo, Y., Dreher, S.J., Shimko, J.C., Ottesen, J.J., Luger, K., Poirier, M.G., “Histone Core Phosphorylation Regulates DNA Accessibility”, (2015). Biol. Chem. 290(37), 22612-22621. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M115.661363.
- Chatterjee, N., North, J.A., Dechassa, M.L., Manohar, M., Prasad, R., Luger, K., Ottesen, J.J., Poirier, M.G., Bartholomew, B.B. “Histone acetylation near the nucleosome dyad axis enhances nucleosome disassembly by RSC and SWI/SNF (2015). Mol. Cell. Biol., 35 (23): 4083-92 doi: 10.1128/MCB.0041-15.
- North, J.A., Simon, M., Ferdinand, M.B., Shoffner, M.A., Picking, J.W., Howard, C.J., Mooney, A.M., van Noort, J., *Poirier, M.G., and *Ottesen, J.J. “Histone H3 Phosphorylation Near the Nucleosome Dyad Alters Chromatin Structure” (2014). Nucleic Acids Research, 42(8), 4922-4933. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku150.
- Shimko, J.C., Howard, C.J., Poirier, M.G., and *Ottesen, J.J. “Preparing Semisynthetic and Fully Synthetic Histones H3 and H4 to Modify the Nucleosome Core” in volume “Protein Acetylation: Methods and Protocols” (2013) of Methods in Molecular Biology, 981, 177-192. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-62703-305-3_14.
- North, J.A., Shimko, J.C., Javaid, S., Mooney, A.M., Shoffner, M.A., Rose, S.D., Bundschuh, R., Fishel, R., Ottesen, JJ. and *Poirier, J.G.; “Regulation of the Nucleosome Unwrapping Rate Controls DNA Accessibility”, (2012). Nucleic Acids Research, 40(20), 10215-10227. doi:10.1093/nar/gks747.
- Mahto, S.K., Howard, C.J., Shimko, J.C., and *Ottesen, J.J.; “A Reversible Protection Strategy to Improve Fmoc-SPPS of Peptide Thioesters by the N-Acylurea Approach”, (2011). ChemBioChem, 12(16), 2488-2494; doi: 10.1002/cbic.201100472.
- Simon, M., North, J.A., Shimko, J.C., Forties, R.A., Ferdinand, M.B., Manohar, M., Zheng, M., Fishel, R., *Ottesen, J.J., *Poirier, M.G.; “Histone Fold Modifications Control Nucleosome Unwrapping and Disassembly”, (2011). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 108(31), 12711-12716; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1106264108.
- Shimko, J.C., North, J., *Poirier, M.G., *Ottesen, J.J., “Preparation of Fully Synthetic Histone H3 Reveals that Acetyl-Lysine 56 Facilitates Protein Binding Within Nucleosomes”, (2011). J. Mol. Biol., 408(2), 187-204; doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2011.01.003.
- North, J.A., Javaid, S., Ferdinand, M.B., Chatterjee, N., Picking, J.W., Shoffner, M., Nakkula, R.J, Bartholomew, B., *Ottesen, J.J., *Fishel, R., and *Poirier, M.G., “Phosphorylation of Histone H3(T118) Alters Nucleosome Dynamics and Remodeling”, (2011). Nucleic Acids Research, 38(15), 6465-6474; doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr304.
- Javaid, S., Manohar, M., Punja, H., Mooney, A., *Ottesen, J.J., *Poirier, M.G., *Fishel, R.A. “Nucleosome remodeling catalyzed by the human hMSH2-hMSH6 Mismatch Recognition Complex”, (2009). Mol. Cell., 36, 1086-1094; doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2009.12.010.
- Li, X., Fekner, T., Ottesen, J.J., Chan, M.K. “A Pyrrolysine Analog for Site-Specific Protein Ubiquitination”, (2009). Angew. Chem., 48(48), 9184-9187; doi: 10.1002/anie.200904472.
- Manohar, M., Mooney, A.M., Picking, J.W., Edon, A. Nakkula, R.J., Fishel, R.A.,*Poirier, M.G., and *Ottesen, J.J. (2009). Acetylation of Histone H3 at the Nucleosome Dyad Reduces DNA-Histone Binding, J. Biol. Chem., 284, 23312-23321; doi:10.1074/jbc.M109.003202.
- Ottesen, J.J., Bar-Dagan, M., Giovani, B., Muir, T.W. (2008) An Amalgamation of Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis and Ribosomal Peptide Synthesis. Biopolymers (Peptide Science), 90, 406-414.
- Ottesen, J.J., Huse, M., Sekedat, M.D., Muir, T.W. (2004) Semisynthesis of Phosphovariants of Smad2 Reveals a Substrate Preference of the Activated TbRI Kinase.
- Wilson K.A., Kalkum M., Ottesen J., Yuzenkova J., Chait B.T., Landick R., Muir T., Severinov K., Darst S.A. (2004). Structure of Microcin J25, a Peptide Inhibitor of Bacterial RNA Polymerase, is a Lassoed Tail. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 12475-12483.
- Cowburn, D., Shekhtman, A., Xu, R., Ottesen, J.J., Muir, T.W. (2004) “Segmental Isotopic Labeling for Structural Biological Applications of NMR,” in Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 278 (Downing, A.K., ed.) Humana Press Inc, Totowa NJ, pp. 47-56.
- Ottesen, J.J., Blaschke, U.K., Cowburn, D., Muir, T.W. (2003) Segmental isotopic labeling; prospects for a new tool to study the structure-function relationships in multi-domain proteins. Biol. Mag. Res., 20, 35-51.
- Ottesen, J.J., Imperiali, B. (2001) Design of a Discretely Folded Mini-Protein Motif with Predominantly b-Structure. Nat. Struct. Biol., 8, 535-539.
- Mezo, A.R., Ottesen, J.J., Imperiali, B. (2001) Discovery and Characterization of a Discretely Folded Homotrimeric BBA Peptide. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123, 1002-1003.
- Imperiali, B., Ottesen, J.J. (1999) Uniquely Folded Mini-Protein Motifs. J. Pept. Res., 54, 177-184.
- Imperiali, B., Ottesen, J.J. (1998) Design Strategies for the Construction of Independently Folded Polypeptide Motifs. Biopolymers, 47, 23-29.
- Struthers, M.D., Ottesen, J.J., Imperiali, B. (1998) Design and NMR Analyses of Compact, Independently Folded BBA Motifs. Folding & Design, 3, 95-104.