General Lecture – Monday, March 2nd at 3:55 pm in Evans 1008
Technical Lecture – Tuesday, March 3rd at 11:30 am Sillman 100
It is our pleasure to announce that Dr Melanie Sanford of the University of Michigan will be joining us on March 2nd and 3rd, 2020 as our 58th Annual Edward Mack Jr. Award Lecturer .

A little more about our speaker:
Melanie Sanford hails from Providence, RI and received her BS and MS in chemistry from Yale University where she worked with Professor Robert Crabtree. She began her PhD work in 1996 at Caltech where she worked with with Professor Robert Grubbs. After receiving her PhD in 2001, Melanie began working with Professor Jay Groves at Princeton University as an NIH post-doctoral fellow. In 2003, she began working at the University of Michigan. Here, she continues to work on C-H functionalization, organometallics, redox flow batteries and fluorination chemistry all while holding the positions of Moses Gomberg Collegiate Professor of Chemistry and Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Chemistry.
Melanie has won a myriad of awards including SABIC Young Catalysis Investigator Award (2015), Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences (2013), ASC Ipatieff Prize (2012), Thieme IUPAC Prize in Synthetic Organic Chemistry (2012), ACS Award in Pure Chemistry (2010), and the ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award (2008) to name a few.
In addition, Melanie is also a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Chemical Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
General Lecture – Monday, March 2nd 2020 4:10 PM – Evans 1008
Title: TBA
Technical Lecture – Tuesday, March 2rd 2020 11:30 AM – Stillman 100
Title: TBA