Archive for category Uncategorized

5/1/2022 – Warren Huey, PhD

Congratulations to Dr. Warren Huey, PhD.

1/26/2022 – Josh is elected as an AAAS Fellow

Congratulations to Josh, who is elected as an AAAS Fellow.

1/1/2022 – Welcome Ankita and Leo

A warm welcome to our new first year students, Ankita Saha and Leo Derr.

12/9/2021 – Andy Ochs, Presidential Fellow

Congratulations to Andy Ochs who was awarded a Presidential Fellowship from OSU!

11/7/2021 – Kelsey Hodge, PhD

Congratulations to Kelsey Hodge, who has defended her PhD Dissertation!

09/18/2021 – Two New Catalysis Papers by Kelsey

Kelsey’s has two new papers on her work discovering Zintl Phase Catalysts for Alkyne Semi-/Full- Hydrogenation

In Inorganic Chemistry, Lucky Number 13: A 13-Layer Polytype of the Alkyne Hydrogenation Catalyst CaGaGe

In ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Alkyne Hydrogenation Catalysis across a Family of Ga/In Layered Zintl Phases

08/08/2021 Michael Scudder, PhD

Congratulations to Mike Scudder, who graduated with a PhD.

6/12/2021 – Mike is awarded the 2021 Individual Excellence in Safety Award at Ohio State University!

6/12/2021 – On account of his leadership and service to the Department and University, especially as the President of the Joint Safety Task Force, Mike is awarded the 2021 Individual Excellence in Safety Award from OSU’s University Laboratory Safety Committee. Congratulations!

6/1/2021 – NSF Science Nation Video on our research

NSF put together an NSF Science Nation video on our discovery of axis-dependent conduction polarity, and our use of the amazing NSF-PARADIM crystal growth facility at Johns Hopkins University to help us grow Re4Si7 crystals.

The PARADIM user facility is an amazing, one of a kind user facility. We highly recommend it to all researchers interested in crystal and thin film growth.

5/26/2021 – Mike’s work on Re4Si7 is published!

Mike’s paper on Re4Si7, which shows the viability of transverse thermoelectrics is finally published in Energy and Environmental Sciences.

Lots of Press on Re4Si7 including;