Isobel Bowles
Former OSU Center for RNA Biology Fellow
Isobel received her B.S. from Butler University (go dawgs) in 2018 with an ACS Chemistry degree and French minor. Her undergraduate research examined the allosteric inhibition of enzyme Rv0045c by divalent metal cations.
Isobel received her PhD from Ohio State University in 2023 from the Jackman lab where she studies tRNA methyltransferase 10 (Trm10). She specifically works with the Trm10 homolog in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and aiming to determine its biological significance in the cell and to more clearly define the molecular basis for Trm10 substrate recognition in vivo and in vitro.
Outside of lab, Isobel loves hanging with friends and family, hiking, eating food, and going to concerts.