March 2024- Madison Allegretti wins an Honorable Mention Poster Award at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in San Antonio, Texas.
May 2024- Grace Johnecheck wins an Outstanding Poster Award at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Symposium in Columbus, Ohio!
December 2023- Isobel Bowles successfully defends her PhD! Congratulations!
October 2023- Madison Allegretti wins an Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Award at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting in East Lansing, Michigan.
June 2023- Grace Johnecheck wins a poster award at the Gordon Research Seminar: Nucleic Acids in Newry, Maine!
May 2023- Olivia Roumaya is awarded the Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program training grant fellowship.
May 2023- Grace Johnecheck is an invited speaker at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Symposium in Columbus, Ohio!
May 2023- Isobel Bowles wins a poster award at the Ohio State University Center for RNA Biology and Cellular, Molecular, Bioscience Program Symposium!
March 2023- Isobel Bowles is an invited speaker at the Gordon Research Seminar: RNA Editing in Ventura Beach, California!
October 2022- Ben Jepson defends his Ph.D! Congratulations Ben!
October 2022- Isobel Bowles wins an Excellent Oral Presentation Award at the Rustbelt RNA meeting in Cleveland, Ohio!
October 2022- Madison Allegretti wins an Honorable Mention Undergraduate Poster Award at the Rustbelt RNA meeting in Cleveland, Ohio!
July 2022- Katie Edgington is admitted to candidacy! Congratulations!
June 2022- Ben Jepson wins a Poster Award at the 27th annual RNA meeting in Boulder, Colorado!
June 2022- Isobel Bowles is an invited speaker at the 27th annual RNA meeting in Boulder, Colorado!
May 2022- Malithi Jayasinghe defends her Ph.D! Congratulations Malithi!
May 2022- Ben Jepson wins a Presentation Award at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Symposium in Columbus, Ohio!
May 2022- Isobel Bowles is a student plenary speaker at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Symposium in Columbus, Ohio!
May 2022- Isobel Bowles wins a poster award at the Ohio State University Center for RNA Biology and Cellular, Molecular, Bioscience Program Symposium!
May 2022- Ben Jepson is an invited speaker at the Ohio State University Center for RNA Biology and Cellular, Molecular, Bioscience Program Symposium!
August 2021- Grace Johnecheck is admitted to candidacy! Congratulations!
June 2021- Ben Jepson wins a poster award at the 26th annual RNA meeting!
May 2021- Isobel Bowles is awarded the Center for RNA Biology Fellowship.
November 2020- Brandon Iwaniec is admitted to candidacy! Congratulations!
August 2020- Isobel Bowles is admitted to candidacy! Congratulations!
May 2020- Grace Johnecheck is awarded the Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program training grant fellowship.
April 2020- Tracy Roach defends her Ph.D! Congratulations Tracy!
November 2019- Samantha Dodbele defends her Ph.D! Congratulations Samantha!
June 2019- Nathan Howell defends his Ph.D! Congratulations Nathan!
April 2019- Samantha Dodbele is awarded the Ohio State University Presidential Fellowship.
April 2019- Nathan Howell is awarded the Graduate Associate Teaching Award.
December 2018- Ashanti Matlock defends her P.h.D! Congratulations Ashanti!
November 2018- Malithi Jayasinghe is admitted to candidacy! Congratulations!
October 2018- Ben Jepson is admitted to candidacy! Congratulations!
October 2018- Samantha Dodbele is awarded Outstanding Oral Presentation 2018 RNA Rustbelt Meeting in Columbus, Ohio.
October 2018- Nathan Howell is awarded an Honorable Mention Award for Poster Presentation at the 2018 RNA Rustbelt Meeting in Columbus, Ohio.
March 2018- Samantha Dodbele is awarded an RNA Society Travel Award.
June 2018- Ben Jepson is awarded the Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program training grant fellowship.
November 2017- Aiswarya Krishnamohan defends her P.h.D! Congratulations Aiswarya!
August 2017- Tracy Roach is admitted to candidacy! Congratulations!
May 2017- Tracy Roach wins a poster presentation prize at the Ohio State University Center for RNA Biology and Cellular, Molecular, Bioscience Program Symposium.
May 2017- Samantha Dodbele is awarded the Center for RNA Biology Fellowship.
April 2017- Nick Mitchell wins second place at the at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum at the Ohio State University.
January 2017- Krishna Patel successfully defends his Ph.D.! Congratulations Krishna!
October 2016- Nick Mitchell wins Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation at the 2016 RNA Rustbelt Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio.
August 2016- Nathan Howell wins Best Flash Talk at the 2016 Chemistry and Biology Interface Career Development Conference at the University of Michigan.
May 2016- Surabhi Tewari is awarded the Mayers Summer Research Scholarship.
May 2016- Samantha Dodbele is awarded the Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program training grant fellowship.
May 2016- Samantha Dodbele is admitted to Candidacy. Congratulations!
May 2015- Aiswarya Krishnamohan is selected for a plenary talk at the at the 2016 OSU Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium.
May 2016- Samantha Dodbele wins Runner Up Award for Poster Presentation at the 2016 OSU Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium.
February 2016- Surabhi Tewari is awarded the OSU Research Scholar Award.
October 2015- Aiswarya Krishnamohan wins Outstanding Oral Presentation award at the 2015 Rustbelt RNA Meeting in Sandusky, OH.
August 2015- Nathan Howell is admitted to Candidacy. Congratulations!
July 2015- Yicheng Long successfully defends his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations Yicheng!
May 2015- Samantha Dodbele is awarded the HHMI Med into Grad graduate fellowship.
April 2015- Bill Swinehart successfully defends his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations Bill!
March 2015- Krishna Patel wins poster award at the 2015 Gordon Research Conference on RNA Editing in Tuscany, Italy.
October 2014- Yicheng Long wins Outstanding Poster Presentation Award in the 2014 Rustbelt RNA meeting in Pittsburgh, PA.
September 2014- Ashanti Matlock is admitted to Candidacy. Congratulations!
July 2014- Aiswarya Krishnamohan is admitted to Candidacy. Congratulations!
May 2014- Ashanti Matlock is awarded the Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program training grant
May 2014- Yicheng Long wins Outstanding Oral Presentation Award in the 2014 OSU Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium
February 2014- Bala Rao successfully defends his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations Bala!
October 2013- Yicheng Long wins Outstanding Poster Presentation Award in the Finger Lakes RNA Conference in Canandaigua, NY.
May 2013- Nathan Howell is awarded the Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program training grant
May 2013- Hyejong Kim successfully defends her M.S. thesis in Biochemistry- Congratulations Kim!
May 2013- Yicheng Long wins Outstanding Poster Presentation Award in the 2013 OSU Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium.
December 2012- Brian Smith successfully defends his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations Brian!
May 2012- Yicheng Long is awarded the Pelotonia Graduate Fellowship
October 2011- William Swinehart wins Outstanding Oral Presentation award at the 2011 Rustbelt RNA Meeting in Dayton, OH. The Trm10 public debut is a success! Nice work, Bill!
June 2011- Bill Eberley successfully defends his M.S. thesis in Biochemistry- Congratulations Bill!
May 2011- Fuad Mohammad wins 1st Prize award for his poster presentation at the 2011 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum!
May 2011- Fuad Mohammad wins best poster award at NMS Undergraduate Research Forum
May 2011- Bala Rao is awarded the Ohio State University Presidential Fellowship.
May 2011- Brain Smith is selected for plenary talk at the 2011 OSU Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium.
May 2011- Bala Rao wins Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at the 2011 OSU Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium.
January 2011- Bala Rao wins poster award at the 2011 Gordon Research Conference on RNA Editing and Modification in Galveston, TX.
December 2010- Paul Yourik graduates with Research Distinction in Biochemistry
December 2010- Brian Smith is awarded the Center for RNA Biology graduate fellowship
August 2010- NIH R01 award “Molecular mechanism and biological function of 3′-5′ nucleotide addition” 07/2010-07/2015
May 2010- Emily Maris graduates with Research Distinction in Biochemistry
May 2010- Bala Rao wins Outstanding Oral Presentation Award at the 2010 OSU Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium.
May 2010- Paul Yourik wins 3rd prize award Biological Sciences Denman Undergraduate Research Forum Ohio State University
April 2010- Bill Eberley, Emily Maris and Paul Yourik win Best Poster award Natural and Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate Research Forum
January 2010- Brian Smith admitted to candidacy- Congratulations Brian!
October 2009- Bala Rao admitted to candidacy – Congratulations Bala!
June 2009- Jeremy Henderson graduates with Distinction in Biochemistry Research
May 2009- Jeremy Henderson wins 1st prize award Biological Sciences Denman Undergraduate Research Forum Ohio State University