Author: Jingfeng Zheng
Laser Tag Day!
Jingfeng and Brian’s review is highlighted in the editorial.
“All-solid-state batteries will require solid-state electrolytes and antiperovskites─materials adopting the perovskite crystal structure, but with cationic and anionic positions switched─look to be in the competition… or are they? In “Antiperovskite Superionic Conductors: A Critical Review” (DOI: 10.1021/acsmaterialsau.1c00026), Yiying Wu and co-workers from The Ohio State University take a deep dive into what these materials are, highlighting challenges in reproducibility, describing competing mechanisms of cation transport, and suggesting best practices for reporting functional properties. This is a must-read for anyone looking to investigate these materials for future applications (Figure 1).”-ACS Materials Au: Issue 2 Highlights and Call for 2022 Rising Stars (https://doi.org/10.1021/acsmaterialsau.1c00061)

Figure 1. Table of contents image from Jingfeng Zheng, Brian Perry, and Yiying Wu, “Antiperovskite Superionic Conductors: A Critical Review” (DOI: 10.1021/acsmaterialsau.1c00026).
Literature presentation competition
Jiaonan’s Graduation Photos!
Bowling Day
Jiaonan graduated! Congratulations!
Luke received the Exceptional Presentation Award at the ACS meeting!
Congrats Luke received the Exceptional Presentation Award for his recent talk at the ACS meeting!
Schkeryantz, L.A. Enabling Low Temperature K+ Single Cation Ionic Liquids Through an Unusual Low Melting Asymmetric Sulfonamide Salt. Virtual talk at the ACS Great Lakes Regional Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 2021.

BBQ at Highbank!
🍕Pizza for lab cleaning day!