Wu Group


New Battery and DSSC Publications

On April 2, 2015, Posted by , In Publications, With Comments Off on New Battery and DSSC Publications

Xuanxuan’s paper on Na-O2 battery has been accepted by ChemComm. This is her first 1st-author paper in this group! Zhongjie and Mingfu’s paper on dye-controlled interfacial electron transfer on ITO nanoparticles has been accepted by Angewandte Chemie. This work provides a new way to think about dye-sensitized solar cells.

ACS National Meeting

On March 26, 2015, Posted by , In Uncategorized, With Comments Off on ACS National Meeting

Dr. Wu co-organized the  “Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion & Storage” symposium in  249th ACS national meeting, Denver, CO. Some of the former Peidong Yang group members had a reunion.

Group Alumni Yanguang Li Wins Award

On February 16, 2015, Posted by , In Awards and Honors, With Comments Off on Group Alumni Yanguang Li Wins Award

The first graduate student from Wu group, Yanguang Li, received a “the 1000 plan for youth” award in China. He is now a full professor in Soochow University.

Welcome, New Students!

On January 13, 2015, Posted by , In Lab Group, With Comments Off on Welcome, New Students!

Two 1st-year graduate students join the group. Welcome, Yongze Yu and Neng Xiao!

Commissioner’s Award

On January 6, 2015, Posted by , In Awards and Honors, With Comments Off on Commissioner’s Award

Franklin County Commissioner Paula Brooks awards Dr. Wu Commissioner’s Award.

Wu Group Students Selected in Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Issue

On January 5, 2015, Posted by , In Awards and Honors, With Comments Off on Wu Group Students Selected in Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Issue

Xiaodi, Damian and Kate Fisher (Fisher Business School) have been selected in the Forbes Magazine 30 under 30 edition for the KAir battery technology and their entrepreneurship!

Research Scholar Award

On December 10, 2014, Posted by , In Awards and Honors, With Comments Off on Research Scholar Award

Brittany Trang receives a Research Scholar Award of $1000 from OSU Undergraduate Research office. Brittany is an undergraduate researcher working with Kevin Click on new dye molecules.

Mingzhe’s Presidential Fellowship

On November 18, 2014, Posted by , In Awards and Honors, With Comments Off on Mingzhe’s Presidential Fellowship

Mingzhe Yu receives a Presidential Fellowship! This is the highest honor for a graduate student at OSU.

Move to CBEC

On November 14, 2014, Posted by , In Lab Group, With Comments Off on Move to CBEC

The Wu lab moves to the brand- new CBEC Building. Bye, Evans lab!

Damian’s VentureNEXT Award

On October 28, 2014, Posted by , In Awards and Honors, With Comments Off on Damian’s VentureNEXT Award

Damian received the 2014 VentureNEXT College Award. TechColumbus  will present him with a $2500 scholarship.