Zhongjie Huang
Zhongjie grew up in Wuxi, China. He received his BS in chemistry at Nanjing University and joined the Wu group in 2010. Since then, Zhongjie has used electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and other techniques to study the device physics of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Additionally, he has developed a novel indium tin oxide-based photocathode for p-type solar cells, which challenges the fundamentals of DSSC physics and provides a brand-new way to think about DSSCs. Recently, Zhongjie has focused his research on solar fuels and electrocatalyzing hydrogen and CO2 reduction. In his spare time, Zhongjie likes to play soccer with his friends. He finds that the most important thing on the soccer field is to have “team chemistry,” which makes him realize that chemistry is everywhere in his life!