5/7/2020 – Congratulations to Mike!

Congratulations to Mike Scudder who won a Presidential Fellowship!

1/1/2020 – Welcome to Olivia, Cullen, Ryan, and Arch!

Happy New Year and a special welcome to the new group members Olivia Davis, Cullen Irvine, Ryan Nelson, and Archibald Williams!

11/2/19 – Congratulations to Ben

Congratulations to Ben for winning an honorable mention in the undergraduate poster award competition at Ohio Inorganic Weekend.

3/18/2019 – Nature Materials publication on Goniopolar Materials

Our group’s work on discovering Goniopolar behavior in NaSn2As2 is published in Nature Materials. Briefly, most electronic materials are thought of as either metallic, or semiconducting that is doped to give a particular p-type or n-type conduction behavior. However, layered materials have different orbitals holding the structure together in-plane vs. cross-plane. Here we discover that these layered materials can simultaneously exhibit n-type behavior in-plane vs. p-type behavior cross-plane. This “crystallographic angle-dependence” of conduction polarity we denote as “Goniopolarity”

See press;


3/12/2019 – 2019 Lumley Interdisciplinary Research Award

Prof. Josh Goldberger, Prof. Wolfgang Windl in Materials Science, and Prof. Jos Heremans in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering  have been selected for the 2019 Lumley Interdisciplinary Research Award.


3/1/2019 – Congratulations to Mike

Mike Scudder wins a first place poster award at the Hayes Graduate Forum.  Congratulations!


1/2/2019 – Welcome to New Group Members Andrew, Karl, and Sammy

1/2/2019  Happy New Year and a special welcome to the new group members, Andrew Ochs, Karl Koster, and Sammy Kraguljac!

9/28/18 – Congratulations to Mike

Mike Scudder wins a third place poster award as part of the Evans Lecture Dow Graduate Student Poster Session! Way to go, Mike!



8/1/2018 – Congratulations to Dan

Dan Weber is awarded a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

7/6/2018 – Zachary J. Baum, PhD

7/6/2018 – Congratulations to Zach Baum, for defending his PhD dissertation!