Paper Spray Ionization Video S1: Gas evolution during plasma exposure Video S2. Ground above hydrophobic triangle Video S3. High speed droplet vibrations observed Video S4. Droplet vibrates and then jumps Ground on side of hydrophobic triangle Video S5. Solvent 2 (Surface tension 62 mN/m). When voltage is applied, the solvent vibrates Video S6. Solvent 4 (Surface tension 41 mN/m). When voltage is applied, the solvent vibrates more vigorously Video S7. Solvent 5 (Surface tension 38 mN/m). When voltage is applied, the solvent vibrates, momentary taylor cones are observed Video S8. Solvent 7 (Surface tension 29 mN/m). When voltage is applied, the solvent forms multiple taylor cones from the paper fibers protruding from the flat edge of the paper strip