Mark P. Foster, PhD
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ohio State Biochemistry Program (OSBP)
Biophysics Program
Center for RNA Biology
Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program (CMBP)
Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program (CBIP)
The Ohio State University
496 West 12th Ave, Columbus, OH, 43210
Structure and Dynamics in Biological Regulation by Proteins, Nucleic Acids and their Ligands
Welcome to the Foster Lab. Our group uses nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and other biochemical and biophysical techniques to understand the structure and function of biological molecules, and decipher the ways they recognize and interact with each other. Our group and our collaborators tackle a range of fascinating questions that allow us to understand how genes are regulated (turned “on” or “off”), how enzymes catalyze chemical reactions, or how drug-like molecules bind and inhibit their cellular targets. Such insights are fundamental to understanding biology and for applying that knowledge to problems in medicine or biotechnology. Members of the lab receive both broad training in biochemistry, biophysics and structural biology, and highly focused training centered on their research project and the tools most critical to its advancement. With this combination of broad and deep research training, group members emerge with the scientific skills to pursue careers in a wide variety of settings, from academia to the private sector.
Projects in the Foster Lab include interaction of retroviral integrases (HIV, MLV) with eukaryotic transcriptional machinery (LEDGF, Brd4), ligand-dependent binding of proteins to nucleic acids (TRAP, Loz1), enzyme dynamics (Cre recombinase, RNase P, ProXp-Ala), and RNA-mediated gene regulation (riboswitches). In partnership with our collaborators, we tackle fascinating research problems in a supportive, exciting and fast-paced learning environment. We invite you to visit our web pages and contact us if you have questions or are interested in collaborations, or to learn more about our science.
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