Enthralled by the chance to learn new things and am constantly on a search for new knowledge. I am using site-directed mutagenesis, and transformation of bacterial cells to study the biochemistry of Cre Recombinase. I am learning proper laboratory protocols and other things that will support my goal to attend graduate school.
B.S. Biochemistry, 2019, Florida A&M University
Chelsea Duncan
OSU Center for RNA Biology Summer Research Program, (email)
Using techniques such as site-directed mutagenesis, Saenger sequencing, and NMR spectroscopy to understand structure-function relationships in the transcription factor Loz-1, which plays an important role in metal sensing in cells.
B.S. Biomedical Engineering, 2019, New York Institute of Technology
Eric Danhart
Ph.D., Biochemistry Program, 2017, email First Position: Lecturer, CLSE, The Ohio State University
B.S. Biochemistry, 2009 Ph.D. Student in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology at Johns Hopkins University
Ross Wilson
Ph.D. Biochemistry Program, 2009, email First Position: Postdoctoral Researcher at HHMI and UC Berkeley Second: Project Scientist, UC Berkeley https://www.rosswilsonlab.org/ Writer/director/producer: Lady Gaga Parody
Craig McElroy
Ph.D. Biochemistry Program, 2005 First Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, OSUMC Second Position: Batelle Memorial Institute Director of Instrumentation, College of Pharmacy, OSU mcelroy.31@osu.edu
Carlos Amero
Ph.D Biophysics Program, 2008 First Position: Postdoctoral Fellow: Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS-CNRS), Grenoble, France Second: Professor at CIQ-UAEM, Cuernavaca, Mexico carlosamero@gmail.com
William P Boomershine
Ph.D. Biochemistry Program, 2005 First Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina Senior Scientist at AAIPharma Services Corp.
Hari Kamadurai
Ph.D. Biophysics Program, 2007 First Position: Postdoc at HHMI and St. Jude Children’s Research Institute Second: Biogen Idec; (profile here) hari.kamadurai@outlook.com
Srisunder Subramaniam
PhD, Biophysics Graduate Program, 2005 First Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Eli Lilly Research Laboratories Latest: VentureStudio
Douglas W Byerly, Lt. Col, USAF MC
PhD, Ohio State Biochemistry Program Diagnostic Radiologist; Phase II Medical Director for Diagnostic Imaging and Ultrasound; Wright-Patterson AFB
Hee-Jung Kim
PhD, Biophysics Program Chemical Abstracts Service, Inc