Congrats to John Nugent on his end of the semester presentations! John is an undergraduate from the College of Wooster who participated in the Ohio 5-OUS SURE program this summer, performing research in our lab on the Rubredoxin project with Sean!
About to hear Cami defend her thesis work!! Good Luck!
Hannah, Regina, and Sean are ready for the Hydrogenase conference in Lisbon, Portugal. Good luck guys!
It was the end of another era this week as we took our last group photo with Dr. Tasha. We couldn’t be happier for you to begin the next step of your journey in the Rosenzweig Lab. You will be missed! (Also check out Hannah mastering the group selfie!) #labfamily
Tonight was the last Shafaat Lab outing with @slaterjw91! Many tacos and margaritas were had to celebrate a wonderful colleague, excellent friend, and scientist who somehow always seems to have Lady Luck on his side ? best of skill in your next chapter at PSU, we shall miss you!

Congratulations Drs. Manesis and Slater! It’s official!
And we’re ready for round two! Good luck @slaterjw91 on your PhD defense! Go Rubredoxin! #labfamily #phddefense #nevergonnabethesame
Ah! T-minus 1 minute until the defense starts! You got this Tasha ???? Tell us about that Nickel! #phddefense #labfamily #thebestofus
Congratulations to Sean on a great talk and Kassie on her poster award!! #2018OIW
Kassie with her poster at the 2018 Evan Lecture Series Poster Session!
Very excited to welcome students from Buckeye and Sherwood schools to OSU today for Breakfast of Science Champions! We’ll be conducting science demos in labs across chemistry, and ending with lN2 ice cream!
A super big good luck and congratulations as our fearless leader prepares to give “The Talk”!
Posters from the 2018 Penn State Bioinorganic Workshop and Symposium!
First night at Penn State University!
The Shafaat lab is well-represented at @OhioStateIMR’s #materialsweek! Shelby gave her poster on #specechem yesterday, and Jeff and Regina are presenting today, good luck everyone!
Congratulations to our undergrad Zach on his final Denman poster presentation! The R2lox project has definitely benefited from your work!
Hannah and Jeff at the Renewable Energy: Solar Fuels Conference in California!

Pearson and Hannah at graduation!
Pearson at his thesis defense!
Tasha and Hannah are famous!
Regina, Hannah, Tasha, and Jeff went white water rafting in Ohiopyle State Park!
Cami and Hannah had a JAW dropping experience at the 2017 International Solar Fuels Conference in California.
Jeff and Shelby received the best student poster award at the OSU Materials Week.
Effie presenting her poster at the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)!
Cami with her poster for the 2017 Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program (CBIP) poster session!
Tim presenting his first poster on Azurin!
Alex excited to present his work on the Rubredoxing project at 2017 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum!
Zach excited to present his poster on R2lox at 2017 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum!
Cami gave a talk on her project at the 2016 Ohio Inorganic Weekend Conference!
Jeff excited to give his poster at Ohio Inorganic Weekend 2016!
Effie explaining her research at the OIW 2016 poster session!
Shelby with her poster and explaining her work at the OIW poster session!
Sean with his poster at OIW poster session!
Pearson explaining his research to Lauren at the OIW poster session!
Tasha explaining her poster at the Ohio Inorganic Weekend poster session!
Group photo before we left Akron, Ohio!
Alex presenting his poster at the MEEK lecture series Undergraduate Poster Session!
Sean at the Fall Ohio Supercomputer Center Meeting!
Sean won best poster at the Ohio Supercomputer Center Statewide User Group Poster Competition!
Cami was a winner at the 2016 DOW Evans Graduate Student Poster Competition!
Cami explaining her research to Dr. Daniel Nocera, the 2016 Evans lecturer!
The Shafaat group at the Columbus Crew Soccer game!
Group Photo!
Hannah and Jeff at the Hydrogenase Conference in Marseilles, France!
The Shafaat group at Mad Mex celebrating Matt’s time in lab!
Jeff presenting his poster on protein hydrogenase mimics at OIW 2015!
Shelby presenting her poster on small molecule hydrogenase mimics at OIW 2015!
Hayleigh with her poster at the Denman undergraduate research forum!
Nick with his poster at the NMS undergraduate research forum!
Matt with his poster at the NMS undergraduate research forum!
Hannah at the Metals in Biology Gordon Research Conference in California!
Chemistry Department Holiday Party
Tasha with her poster at Ohio Inorganic Weekend (in Michigan…)!
Dow Poster Competition at the Evans Lecture
Didn’t get a good picture while he was in his suit, but here’s Jeff and his award afterwards.
Sabrina at the SURI poster session, explaining her work to Dr. Nagib!
Jeff, Tasha, and Hannah at the Frontiers in Metallobiochemistry Symposium!
The infamous glovebox uncrating and installation…
Fully installed in the laser lab!
The Lab
Hard Glovebox-Wanda!
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer!
Electrochemistry set up-Kevin!
Centrifuge-Big Ben!
Large Incubator/Shaker!
Soft Glovebox-Cosmo!
OpenPCR Thermocycler!
The little hot plate that could!