Group News 2017 & Older

June, 2015

Research from Pei group presented at the 24th American Peptide Symposium in Orlando, FL

Leo and Punit have been awarded the APS travel grants.

Punit’s abstract “Direct Inhibition of Ras by Cell-Permeable Cyclic Peptides” was selected for oral presentation.

Leo won the Young Investigator Poster Award.

May, 2015 

Cyclic peptidyl Ras inhibitor paper is recommended in F1000Prime

“Inhibition of Ras Signaling by Blocking Ras-Effector Interactions with Cyclic Peptides” published this May in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201502763) has been recommended by F1000Prime.

Cyclic peptidyl Ras inhibitor paper is highlighted in C&EN as News of The Week

“Inhibition of Ras Signaling by Blocking Ras-Effector Interactions with Cyclic Peptides” published this May in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201502763) has been highlighted in Chemical & Engineering News “Inhibitors Make Rare Landing On Longstanding Anticancer Target Ras” May 11, 2015 issue.