Come to see the work by the Wysocki group at ASMS 2023.
- Yuan Gao; Sravya Kovvali; Jamison Law; Venkat Gopalan; Vicki H Wysocki, Native top-down mass spectrometry approaches to determine the FraB/FrlB-substrate binding sites and conformational changes induced by substrate binding. (MOA am Top-down protein analysis, Jun.5th 9:10-9:30 CDT)
- Yu-Fu Lin; Angela Di Capua; Erin Panczyk; Benjamin Jones; Mark Ridgeway; Arpad Somogyi; Desmond Kapla; Melvin Park; Vicki Wysocki, Native mass spectrometry on a modified timsTOF Pro. (MOB pm Ion mobility: instrumentation and method development, Jun.5th 3:50-4:10 CDT)
- Jared B. Shaw; Sophie R. Harvey; Chen Du; Vicki H Wysocki, Protein complex heterogeneity and structure revealed by native mass spectrometry with electron capture charge reduction and surface induced dissociation. (WOA am Instrumentation: Detection of High-Mass Analytes, Jun.7th 3:50-4:10 CDT)
- Sophie Harvey; William M McFadden; Bruce E Torbett; Stefan G Sarafianos; Vicki H Wysocki, Characterizing the interactions between the HIV-1 capsid protein and small molecule ligands using native mass spectrometry. (ThOF am Protein-Ligand and Protein-Protein Interactions, Jun.8th 8:50-9:10 CDT)
- Zachary D Smith; Yu-Fu Lin; Dalton Snyder; Vicki H Wysocki; Marcos Sotomayor, Simulations of Surface-Induced Dissociation Mass Spectrometry of a Protein Dimer Essential for Hearing. (ThOD pm Fundamentals: Ion Structures and Energetics, Jun.8th 3:30-3:50 CDT)
- Kristie L Baker; Philip C Lacey; Yuan Gao; Benjamin J. Jones; Vicki H Wysocki, Variable-Temperature Electrospray Ionization Coupled with Electron Capture Dissociation to Study Temperature Induced Solution Phase Structural Changes. (MP655 Proteins: Conformation Analysis and Structural Biology, Jun.5th)
- Philip Lacey; Marius M. Kostelic; Sophie R. Harvey; Vicki H. Wysocki, Electron Capture Charge Reduction Allows for Selection of Individual Nanodisc Species. (TP590 Proteins: General and Membrane, Jun.6th)
- Kaylee Grabarkewitz; Vicki H Wysocki; Karin Musier-Forsyth, Investigating the role of HIV-1 genomic RNA transcriptional start site differences on Gag binding using native mass spectrometry. (TP531 Nucleic Acid and Oligonucleotides, Jun.6th)
- Jacelyn Greenwald; Paola Loreto Palacio; Yongseok Kim; Setty M Magaña; Vicki H Wysocki, Proteomics of adipose tissue-derived extracellular vesicles from bariatric surgery patients. (TP713 Proteomics: Tissue, Jun.6th)
- Marius M Kostelic; Chen Du; Vicki H Wysocki, Architecture of Adeno-Associated Viral Capsids with Surface-Induced Dissociation and Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry. (WP233 Fundamentals: Formation and Structures of Big Ions, Jun.7th)
- Andrew J Arslanian; Leon (Yu-Fu) Lin; Arpad Somogyi; Vicki H Wysocki, Operation of Simple SID Devices using Two or Three Voltages. (ThP158 Fundamentals: Ion Activation/Dissociation, Jun.8th)
- Zihao Qi; Charles E. Bell; Vicki H. Wysocki, Structure and DNA binding of single-strand annealing proteins by native MS. (TP644 Proteins: Complexes/Non-covalent Interactions, Jun.8th)