Category: News
Wysocki lab at ASMS Houston 2023!
Resource Presentations at ASMS 2023
Come to see the work by the Wysocki group at ASMS 2023.
- Yuan Gao; Sravya Kovvali; Jamison Law; Venkat Gopalan; Vicki H Wysocki, Native top-down mass spectrometry approaches to determine the FraB/FrlB-substrate binding sites and conformational changes induced by substrate binding. (MOA am Top-down protein analysis, Jun.5th 9:10-9:30 CDT)
- Yu-Fu Lin; Angela Di Capua; Erin Panczyk; Benjamin Jones; Mark Ridgeway; Arpad Somogyi; Desmond Kapla; Melvin Park; Vicki Wysocki, Native mass spectrometry on a modified timsTOF Pro. (MOB pm Ion mobility: instrumentation and method development, Jun.5th 3:50-4:10 CDT)
- Jared B. Shaw; Sophie R. Harvey; Chen Du; Vicki H Wysocki, Protein complex heterogeneity and structure revealed by native mass spectrometry with electron capture charge reduction and surface induced dissociation. (WOA am Instrumentation: Detection of High-Mass Analytes, Jun.7th 3:50-4:10 CDT)
- Sophie Harvey; William M McFadden; Bruce E Torbett; Stefan G Sarafianos; Vicki H Wysocki, Characterizing the interactions between the HIV-1 capsid protein and small molecule ligands using native mass spectrometry. (ThOF am Protein-Ligand and Protein-Protein Interactions, Jun.8th 8:50-9:10 CDT)
- Zachary D Smith; Yu-Fu Lin; Dalton Snyder; Vicki H Wysocki; Marcos Sotomayor, Simulations of Surface-Induced Dissociation Mass Spectrometry of a Protein Dimer Essential for Hearing. (ThOD pm Fundamentals: Ion Structures and Energetics, Jun.8th 3:30-3:50 CDT)
- Kristie L Baker; Philip C Lacey; Yuan Gao; Benjamin J. Jones; Vicki H Wysocki, Variable-Temperature Electrospray Ionization Coupled with Electron Capture Dissociation to Study Temperature Induced Solution Phase Structural Changes. (MP655 Proteins: Conformation Analysis and Structural Biology, Jun.5th)
- Philip Lacey; Marius M. Kostelic; Sophie R. Harvey; Vicki H. Wysocki, Electron Capture Charge Reduction Allows for Selection of Individual Nanodisc Species. (TP590 Proteins: General and Membrane, Jun.6th)
- Kaylee Grabarkewitz; Vicki H Wysocki; Karin Musier-Forsyth, Investigating the role of HIV-1 genomic RNA transcriptional start site differences on Gag binding using native mass spectrometry. (TP531 Nucleic Acid and Oligonucleotides, Jun.6th)
- Jacelyn Greenwald; Paola Loreto Palacio; Yongseok Kim; Setty M MagaƱa; Vicki H Wysocki, Proteomics of adipose tissue-derived extracellular vesicles from bariatric surgery patients. (TP713 Proteomics: Tissue, Jun.6th)
- Marius M Kostelic; Chen Du; Vicki H Wysocki, Architecture of Adeno-Associated Viral Capsids with Surface-Induced Dissociation and Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry. (WP233 Fundamentals: Formation and Structures of Big Ions, Jun.7th)
- Andrew J Arslanian; Leon (Yu-Fu) Lin; Arpad Somogyi; Vicki H Wysocki, Operation of Simple SID Devices using Two or Three Voltages. (ThP158 Fundamentals: Ion Activation/Dissociation, Jun.8th)
- Zihao Qi; Charles E. Bell; Vicki H. Wysocki, Structure and DNA binding of single-strand annealing proteins by native MS. (TP644 Proteins: Complexes/Non-covalent Interactions, Jun.8th)

Protein Society Webinar
The recording of nMS for structural biology from The Protein Society on March 15th has been released! Please check this talk in the protein society webinar.
Albert Heck: starts from 3:11 “Sizing and counting AAV particles by high-resolution native mass spectrometry and single molecule charge detection mass spectrometry“
Vicki Wysocki: starts from 46:12 “Surface collision and electron capture characterize protein and nucleoprotein complexes“
Stephan Rauschenbach: starts from 1:15:01 “Electrospray ion beam deposition: enabling high-resolution molecular microscopy“
Carol Robinson: starts from 1:43:49 “How can we get membrane protein complexes into the gas phase?“
Wysocki Lab at OMSMS 2022!
Recently, the Wysocki lab attended the Ohio Mass Spectrometry and Metabolomics Symposium (OMSMS)! From the group, we had many poster presenters and an oral presentation! Two of our own members, Zihao Qi (second year) and Phil Lacey (third year) won poster awards from the poster session! Great job, we are so proud of you! We overall had a wonderful time at this conference and are already excited next year’s conference!

Wysocki Lab at Turkey Run 2022!
Recently, a few of our members attended the Turkey Run Analytical Chemistry Conference hosted in the beautiful Turkey Run state park in Marshall, Indiana! Among those who attended, were three second years (Zihao Qi, Yuan Gao, William Moeller) and one of our newer post-docs (Marius Kostelic)! All of those who attended presented their lovely posters, and overall had an amazing time! We can’t wait to come back next year and see/share some more cool science!

IMSC 2022 Thomson Medal to Vicki Wysocki!
Vicki Wysocki – 2022 Innovator of the Year finalist
Join us in congratulating Vicki Wysocki recognized as a 2022 Innovator of the Year finalist!
Vicki Wysocki is the incoming Editor-in-Chief for JASMS
Vicki Wysocki will be the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (JASMS) starting on on July 1, 2022.
2022 ACS Award to Vicki Wysocki
Congratulations to Vicki Wysocki!
Vicki was awarded the 2022 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Chemical Instrumentation.