Research projects overview (click to see details)

Watch Vicki’s video to hear more about native MS!
Research projects overview (click to see details)
Watch Vicki’s video to hear more about native MS!
Vicki’s talk is from ~0:29 – 1:00 h. Watch the whole video to hear from other great mass spectrometrists!
Erin Panczyk attended the ASMS Sanibel conference on Molecular Modeling and Quantum Mechanical Calculations in Mass Spectrometry: From Small Molecules to Large Multimeric Protein Complexes in St. Petersburg, FL, January 25-28th.
Poster and Oral (Flash Talk) presentation: Structural Influence of Dimethylproline Substitution on b2 Ion Formation by Gas-Phase Peptide Fragmentation; Panczyk, E.M., Potsuma, J.C., Somogyi, A. and Wysocki, V.H.; The Ohio State University, Columbus OH; College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Jikang Wu attended the Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab conference in Palm Springs, CA, January 21-25th.
Oral presentation: Integration of Non-Targeted Metabolic and Metagenomic Profiling of Feces After Chemical- and Salmonella-Induced Inflammation of Murine Intestines; Jikang Wu; Mikayla Borton; Anice Sabag-Daigle; Brian Ahmer; Kelly Wrighton; Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Bernice Agana attended The National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineer conference in Minneapolis, MN, October 30-Novenber 2nd.
Oral presentation: Multi-omics Profiling of LKB1 Mutant NSCLC Cells to Characterize Deregulated Pathways Contributing to Tumorigenesis; Agana, A.B., Koenig, M., Amann, J., Riedl, K., Cichon, M., Carbone, D. and Wysocki, V. H.; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Florian Busch attended the 7th Symposium on Structural Proteomics in Vienna, Austria, October 23-25th.
Poster presentation: Surface-induced dissociation ion mobility mass spectrometry and cross-linking reveals different quaternary structures of anthranilate synthase homologs; Florian Busch, Florian Semmelmann, Andrew Norris, Aniruddha Sahasrabuddhe, Maximilian Plach, Reinhard Sterner, Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
Mengxuan Jia and Andrew Norris attended the Rustbelt RNA Meeting in Indianapolis, IN, October 13-14th.
Poster presentation: Insights into Hfq:RNA interactions with Surface Induced Dissociation (SID) Native Mass Spectrometry; Samantha H. Hinckley, Mengxuan Jia, Andrew Norris, Andrew Santiago-Frangos, Sarah Woodson and Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Bernice Agana attended the ASMS Asilomar conference on the Impact of Metabolomics in Translational and Clinical Research in Montery, CA, September 29th – October 3rd.
Poster presentation: Multi-omics Profiling of LKB1 Mutant NSCLC Cells to Characterize Deregulated Pathways Contributing to Tumorigenesis; Agana, A.B., Koenig, M., Amann, J., Riedl, K., Cichon, M., Carbone, D. and Wysocki, V. H.; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Mengxuan Jia and Alyssa Stiving attended Advancing Mass Spectrometry for Biophysics and Structural Biology in Ann Arbor, MI, July 28th – August 1st.
Poster presentation: Probing the Charge Distribution of the Gas-phase Dissociation Products of Protein Dimers; Mengxuan Jia, Yang Song, Aniruddha Sahasrabuddhe, Zibo Chen, David Baker, Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Characterization of Surface Induced Dissociation (SID) as a Top-Down Fragmentation Technique; Stiving, A.Q., Gilbert, J.D., Wysocki, V.H.; The Ohio State University, Columbus OH
Melody “Pepsi” Holmquist attended both the Cellular, Molecular & Biochemical Sciences Training Program Annual Symposium and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Symposium in Columbus, OH, May 9th & 23rd.
Poster presentation: Probing the mechanism of homotropic allostery in TRAP using native mass spectrometry; Holmquist, M., Jacob, B., Ihms, E.C., Gollnick, P., Wysocki,V.H., Foster, M.P.; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY