Wysocki Lab at MSACL 2017

Bernice Agana attended the Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab conference in Palm Springs, CA, January 22-26th.

Poster presentation                                                                                               “Exosomal protein profiling distinguishes Small Cell Lung Carcinoma from Non Small Cell Lung Carcinoma cells”. Bernice Agana,Rahman Mohammad, Michael Koenig, Patrick Nana-Sinkam and Vicki Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA


Wysocki Lab at ASMS 2017

American Society for Mass Spectrometry annual conference in Indianapolis June 4-8 2017.

Oral presentations from the Wysocki group

MOE pm 3:30; Probing protein structure via surface induced dissociation and gas phase hydrogen-deuterium exchange in a hybrid FT-ICR; Jing Yan*; Arpad Somogyi; Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

TOH pm 2:50; Implementation of an Ion Carpet Array for Facile and Compact Surface-Induced Dissociation; Joshua D. Gilbert*; Alyssa Q. Stiving; Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

WOB pm 3:30; Quantification of fructose-asparagine, an acrylamide precursor, in human foods, animal foods and mouse ceca; Jikang Wu*; Anice Sabag-Daigle; Brian Ahmer; Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

ThOE am 9:50; Investigation of Protein-Protein Interactions using Surface Induced Dissociation – Mass Spectrometry; Stacey Nash [1]; Florian Busch* [1]; Kristina Heyn [2]; Fabian Ruperti [2]; Rainer Merkl [2]; Reinhard Sterner [2]; Vicki Wysocki [1]; [1] The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; [2] Institute of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany

ThOC pm 3:10; Characterization of surface induced dissociation (SID) as a top-down fragmentation technique; Alyssa Q. Stiving*; Joshua D. Gilbert; Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

ThOG pm 4:10; Analysis of Proteins, Protein Complexes and Protein-Ligand Interactions using Size Exclusion Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry; Aniruddha Sahasrabuddhe* [1]; Florian Busch [1]; Zachary VanAernum [1]; Brian Rivera [2]; Vicki Wysocki [1]; [1] The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; [2] Phenomenex, Inc., 411 Madrid Ave.,, Torrance, CA

Poster presentations from the Wysocki group

WP 203  Probing The Charge Distribution on the Gas-Phase Dissociation Products of Protein Dimers;  Mengxuan Jia*; Yang Song; Aniruddha Sahasrabuddhe; Zachary VanAernum; Zibo Chen; David Baker; Vicki H. Wysocki; Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

WP 546 Stoichiometry of HIV-1 Gag polyprotein-RNA complexes as determined by native mass spectrometry; Samantha H Hinckley*; Erik D Olson; Karin Musier-Forsyth; Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

ThP 021 Analysis of Cellular and Exosomal Proteins to Decode LKB1 Regulated Pathways in Lung Cancer Invasion and Metastasis; Bernice Agana* [1]; Michael Koenig [2]; Takehito Shukuya [2]; Joseph Amann [2]; David Carbone [2]; Vicki Wysocki [1]; [1] Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; [2] Department of Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

ThP 071 Protein Structure Prediction Guided by Covalent Labeling and SID Mass Spectrometry Data: Elucidation of Protein Structure from Sparse Experimental Data; Melanie Aprahamian; Justin Seffernick; Samantha Hinckley; Sophie Harvey; Vicki Wysocki; Steffen Lindert*; The Ohio State University, Columbus OH

ThP 119 Enrichment of Hydrophobic Endogenous Peptides in Urine from Patients with Severe Preeclampsia by Mesoporous Silica Chips; Hongwu Jing* [1]; Irina A. Buhimschi [2]; Guomao Zhao [2]; Megan Locke [2]; Sten Heinze [2]; Jason Sakamoto [3]; Catalin S. Buhimschi [4]; Vicki H. Wysocki [1]; [1] The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; [2] Center for Perinatal Research, The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH; [3] NanoMedical Systems, Houston, TX; [4] Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

ThP 613 Development of Surface Induced Dissociation on a High Mass Range Orbitrap Platform with Applications Toward the Study of Protein Complexes; Zachary L. VanAernum* [1]; Joshua D. Gilbert [1]; Mikhail E. Belov [2]; Alexander A. Makarov [2]; Stevan R. Horning [2]; Vicki H. Wysocki [1]; [1] The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; [2] Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany

ThP 627 Combining native mass spectrometry with mechanistic binding models to define microscopic thermodynamics of homotropic allostery in oligomeric proteins; Melody Holmquist* [1]; Bryant Jacob [1]; Eilhu C. Ihms [1]; Paul Gollnick [2]; Vicki H. Wysocki [1]; Mark P. Foster [1]; [1] The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; [2] University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

ThP 637 Complex conformations: Ion mobility mass spectrometry provides insight into a conformationally dynamic protein complex; Sophie R Harvey*; Varun V Gadkari; Zucai Suo; Vicki H Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

ThP 680 Comparison of Different Bottom-Up Proteomics Pipelines and LDA-Based Clustering for Optimal Segregation of Preeclampsia Subphenotypes; Sten Heinze*[1]; Hongwu Jing[2]; Wolfgang Rumpf [3]; Will Ray [3]; Catalin S. Buhimschi [4]; Irina A. Buhimschi [1]; Vicki H. Wysocki [2]; [1] Center for Perinatal Research, The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH; [2] The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; [3] TheBattelle Center for Mathematical Medicine, The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH; [4] Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

Wysocki Lab at Asilomar 2016

Novel Instrumentation in Mass Spectrometry and Mobility Spectrometry, October 14 – 18, 2016, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA

Oral presentations

Sunday 7:15 – 7:45 pm Surface-induced Dissociation Coupled with Ion Mobility or High Resolution MS; Vicki Wysocki.

Poster presentations

Fri/Sat 04 Surface Induced Dissociation in High Resolution Mass Spectrometry: Implementation on an
Orbitrap Platform; Zachary VanAernum1, Joshua D Gilbert1, Alexander Makarov2, Stevan Horning2, Vicki H Wysocki1.

1.The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.
2.Thermo Fischer Scientific, Bremen, Germany.

Fri/Sat 03 Surface-induced dissociation (SID) as a fragmentation technique for top-down protein analysis; Alyssa Stiving1, Jing Yan1, Vicki H Wysocki1.
1.The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

Sun/Mon 19 Surface Induced Dissociation and Ion Mobility Provide Insight into a Conformationally Dynamic Protein Complex; Sophie R. Harvey 1,2, Varun V. Gadkari1, Walter J. Zahurancik1, Zucai Suo1, Vicki H. Wysocki1.

1.The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.
2. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.

Wysocki Lab at ASMS 2016

American Society for Mass Spectrometry annual conference in San Antonio June 5-9 2016.

Oral presentations from the Wysocki group

MOH am 8:50; Surface induced dissociation provides insight into membrane protein-lipid interactions; Sophie Harvey* [1] [2]; Yang Liu [3]; Wen Liu [3]; Vicki Wysocki [1]; Arthur Laganowsky [3]; [1] The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; [2] University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; [3] Texas A&M Health Science Center, Houston, Texas

MOD am 9:30; Surface induced dissociation (SID) of protein complexes in a hybrid FT-ICR; Jing Yan* [1]; Mowei Zhou [2]; Gilbert Joshua [1]; Jeremy J. Wolff [3]; Randall E. Pedder [4]; Arpad Somogyi [5]; Royston S. Quintyn [1]; Lindsay Morrison [1]; Michael L. Easterling [3]; Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic [2]; Vicki H. Wysocki [1]; [1] Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; [2] Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA; [3] Bruker Corporation, Billerica, MA; [4] Ardara Technologies L.P., Ardara, PA; [5] OSU Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics Facility, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

WOH am 9:50; Confirmation of Subunit-Subunit Connectivity and Topology of Computationally Designed Protein Complexes using Surface Induced Dissociation/Ion Mobility; Aniruddha Sahasrabuddhe* [1]; Yang Hsia [2]; Florian Busch [1]; David Baker [2]; Vicki Wysocki [1]; [1] The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; [2] University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Poster presentations from the Wysocki group

MP 457 Validating the Roles of FraD and FraB in the Metabolism of F-Asn by Salmonella; Jikang Wu*; Anindita Sengupta; Anice Sabag-Daigle; Pradip Biswas; Brian Ahmer; Venkat Gopalan; Edward Behrman; Vicki Wysocki; Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

TP 624 Using native MS to inform statistical thermodynamic models of cooperativity; Melody Pepsi Holmquist*; Elihu C Ihms; Vicki H Wysocki; Mark P Foster; Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

WP 537 Identifying “Sweet-spots” of Preeclamptic Urine Metabolomics with High Resolution and Accurate Mass Measurements; HONGWU JING* [1]; Yu Cao [1]; Arpad Somogyi [1]; Guomao Zhao [2]; Michelle Axe [2]; Catalin S Buhimschi [1]; Irina A Buhimschi [2]; Vicki H Wysocki [1]; [1] The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; [2] Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH

Wysocki Lab at MSACL 2016

Jikang Wu attended the Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clincal lab conference in Palm Springs, CA February 21st-25th.

Poster presentation
‘Validating the Role of FraB in the Metabolism of F-Asn by Salmonella’. Jikang Wu, Anindita Sengupta, Anice Sabag-Daigle, Brian Ahmer, Venkat Gopalan, Edward Behrman and Vicki Wysocki

Wysocki group at Asilomar 2015

Native Mass Spectrometry-based Structural Biology, October 16 – 20, 2015, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA

Oral presentations 

New Activation Methods in Native Mass Spectrometry session; SID of Model Systems with Known Interfaces: What Have We Learned? Vicki Wysocki

Poster presentations

Fri-Sat Poster 07; Characterization of Protein Complexes Generated from Solution Phase Charge Reduction and Gas Phase Charge Reduction via Ion Mobility and Surface Induced Dissociation; Jing Yan, Vicki Wysocki. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Sun-Mon Poster 09; Reconstruction of an Ancient Enzyme Complex; Florian Busch1,2, Sandra Schlee1, Chitra Rajendran1, Kristina Heyn1, Sophie Harvey2, Vicki Wysocki2, Rainer Merkl1, Reinhard Sterner1. 1. University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany 2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Sun-Mon Poster 03; Ion/Ion Reactions for the Modification of Gas Phase Bio-Ions; Joshua Gilbert12, Scott A McLuckey2. 1. Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.   2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Sun-Mon Poster 15; Probing the Mechanism of Homotropic Allostery in TRAP using Native Mass Spectrometry; Pepsi M. L. Holmquist, Yang Song, Brandon Neel, Sophie r. Harvey, Vicki H. Wysocki, Mark P. Foster. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Sun-Mon Poster 27; Structure Determination of a Unique Manganese Oxidizing Multicopper Oxidase from a Marine Bacterium Using a Suite of Mass Spectrometry Tools: Surface Induced Dissociation, Top Down, and Covalent Labeling, Mowei Zhou,1 Yang Song,2 Christine Romano,3 Jared Shaw,1 Vicki Wysocki,2 Bradley Tebo,3 Ljiljana Paša-Tolić1. 1. Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. 2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University
3. Division of Environmental and Biomolecular Systems, Oregon Health & Science University

Wysocki group ASMS 2015 presentations

American Society for Mass Spectrometry in St. Louis, May 31-June 4, 2015

Oral presentations from the Wysocki group

MOC am 09:30 Surface Induced Dissociation Reveals Substructural Information Consistent With The Interfacial Analysis Of Protein Complexes; Sophie R. Harvey; Royston S. Quintyn; Yang Song; Jing Yan; Aniruddha N. Sahasrabuddhe; Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

TOF am 09:10 Phosphoproteomic and Proteomic Identification of Oncogenic Pathways in LKB1 Dependent NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer by Two-Dimensional LCMS/MS; Nilini Ranbaduge; Joseph Amann; Tadaaki Yamada; Zhen Wang; David Carbone; Vicki Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

WOF am 09:50 Structure Elucidation of Toyocamycin Nitrile Hydratase, a Hetero-hexameric Protein Complex, by Mass Spectrometry; Yang Song1 ; Micah Nelp2 ; Vahe Bandarian2 ; Vicki H. Wysocki1 ; 1 The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2 The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Poster presentations from the Wysocki group

MP 550 Selective Proteomics Analysis Using Congo Red as a Precipitating Reagent; Hongwu Jing1 ; Irina A. Buhimschi2,3; Guomao Zhao2 ; Michelle Axe4 ; Catalin S. Buhimschi3 ; Vicki Wysocki1 ; 1 Dept. Chem. Biochem., The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2 Research Inst. at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH; 3 Dept. OB/ GYN, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 4 Dept. Biochem. Mol. Biol., Otterbein University, Westerville, OH

TP 073 Surface Induced Dissociation Utilized to Characterize Protein Complexes Trapped in the Trap Cell of a Q-TOF Instrument; Jing Yan1 ; Sophie R. Harvey1 ; Jeff Brown2 ; Emmy Hoyes2 ; Vicki H. Wysocki1 ; 1 The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2 Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK

TP 476 Surface-Induced Dissociation/Ion Mobility of Pyruvate Kinase: Interface Area and Subunit Packing; Aniruddha Sahasrabuddhe; Vicki Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

WP 173 Native Mass Spectrometry of the ProRS/tRNAPro/YbaK Ternary Complex Supports the Triple-Sieve Mechanism of Editing; Akiko Tanimoto; Lin Chen; Marina Bakhtin; Vicki Wysocki; Karin Musier-Forsyth; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

WP 588 Multisubunit Protein Interactions and ProteinLigand Binding Sites Revealed By Surface Induced Dissociation Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry; Yue Ju; Royston Quintyn; Vicki Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio


Wysocki group ASMS 2014 presentations

American Society for Mass Spectrometry in Baltimore June 16-19

Oral presentations from the Wysocki group

TOD am 09:10     Surface Induced Dissociation (SID) and Collision Induced Dissociation (CID) Characterization of Human Nucleosomes; Yun Zhang*, Xin Ma, Morgan Bernier, Cecil Howard, Michael Poirier, Jennifer Ottesen, Vicki Wysocki

WOD pm 03:50     Effect of conformational flexibility on gas-phase unfolding of noncovalent protein homodimers probed by CID and SID; Yang Song*, Yun Zhang, Royston Quintyn, Mowei Zhou, Vicki Wysocki

ThOF am 09:30     Mass-spectrometry-based footprinting to map the precursor tRNA binding sites in a protein-only RNase P variant; Tien-Hao Chen, Akiko Tanimoto*, Xin Ma, Wei Zhou, Jikang Wu, Venkat Gopalan, Vicki Wysocki

ThOC pm 2:50     Using Surface Induced Dissociation-Ion Mobility (SID-IM) to distinguish the different interfaces that exist in tetrameric protein complexes; Royston Quintyn*, Jing Yan, Vicki Wysocki

ThOA pm 3:10     Ion mobility studies of isomeric species lycopene, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene and the retention of trans and cis conformation; Matthew Bernier*, Rachel Kopec, Steven Schwartz, Vicki Wysocki

Poster presentations from the Wysocki group

MP 138        Multiple dissociation pathways of ganglioside-toxin complexes revealed by collision induced dissociation and surface induced dissociation in the gas phase; Yue Ju*, Yun Zhang, Vicki Wysocki

TP 227       Discovery and Validation of Invasive Aspergillosis Protein Biomarkers in Human Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid; Chengsi Huang*, Jason W. McCarthy, Karen Wood, Luke Herren, Marta Feldmesser, Vicki H. Wysocki

ThP 113     Covalent Fragments from SID Fragmentation of the Helical Protein ROP Correlate with Precursor Secondary Structure; Lindsay Morrison*, Thomas Magliery, Vicki Wysocki

ThP 259     Evaluation of protein levels in serum after combinatorial peptide ligand library (CPLL) treatment; Jin Ren*, Ran An, Chengsi Huang, Yun Zhang, Vicki Wysocki

ThP 296     Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry for Proteomic Profiling of Paraffin Embedded Lung Tumor Tissues; Nilini Ranbaduge*, Ferdinando Cerciello, Joseph Amann, David Carbone, Vicki Wysocki

Wysocki group ASMS2013 presentations

American Society for Mass Spectrometry in Minneapolis June 9-13

Oral presentations from the Wysocki group

MOG am 08:30     Evidence of Third Residue Involvement in Diketopiperazine and Oxazolone b2 Ion Formation in NAXIG and QAXIG Pentapeptides; Lindsay Morrison, Julia Chamot-Rooke, Vicki Wysocki

MOF pm 2:30       Dissecting Large Non-covalent Ring Protein Complexes by Surface Induced Dissociation Combined with Ion Mobility; Mowei Zhou, Yun Zhang, Vicki Wysocki

Poster presentations from the Wysocki group

TP 012        Comparison between Surface-Induced Dissociation (SID) and Collision-Induced Dissociation (CID) of Ion- Mobility (IM)-Separated Detergent Clusters; Yun Zhang, Mowei Zhou, Xin Ma, Vicki H. Wysocki

TP 123        Modification of the Prolyl Ring of Val-Pro-Ala and the Impact of this Modification on b2 ion Structure; Matthew Bernier, Ashley Gucinski, Julia Chamot-Rooke, Vicki Wysocki

TP 222        Top-down Assisted Bottom-up Method for Avian Hemoglobin Sequencing; Yang Song, Ünige A. Laskay, Alan G. Barbour, Vicki H. Wysocki

TP 288        Finding Invasive Aspergillosis Protein Biomarkers in Patient Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid; Chengsi Huang, Jason W. McCarthy, Yun Zhang, Carmen Luraschi- Monjagatta, Donna Wolk, KS Knox, Marta Feldmesser, Vicki H. Wysocki

TP 291        Valley Fever: MS Based Diagnostics and Potential Vaccine Characterization; Andrew VanSchoiack, Tao Peng, Lourdes Lewis, John Galgiani, Vicki Wysocki

WP 413       Improved Structural Characterization of Stable Non- Covalent Protein Complexes by Surface Induced Dissociation (SID); Xin Ma, Mowei Zhou, Vicki H. Wysocki